jack -- whattaya know, whattaya say. got a hot tip on a nag in the fourth at sheepshead -- sure * t'ing! * dear me. what is dat unpleasant aroma? i fear de sewer has backed up during de night. five to one, i say cowboy skunks 'em -- who's bettin', who's bettin' -- the newsies shake their heads. nearby the staring contest continues until -- that hot tip i told you about? nobody told the horse. they smile and continue into -- then we didn't miss much, did we? * it's the same at the journal -- we checked -- it's the same everywhere! they can do what they want -- it's their stinkin' paper -- it's a rigged deck -- why waste time kiddin' ourselves? they set the price, we gotta pay it -- jack? ya still thinkin'. ? * jack looks at him, then the others: his jaw set. some of 'em don't hear so good. i got mid-town! crutchy the bronx! mush i'll get da bowery! so where's spot conlon? the police fade away; send out the call and spectators who have watched it all begin to all applaud. many throw seize the day coins, bills, or show other signs of support. bumlets lookit this -- just lookit this, willya -- ? you mean jack kelly -- ? behind snyder, they see jack bouncing in the front door. racetrack tries to signal him -- -- he was here but he put an egg in his shoe and beat it. jack sees snyder -- but instead of running back out the door, he can't resist mocking him behind his back. the newsies snicker; kloppman is dying. give to the newsies strike fund, mista? whatta we s'pose to do -- kiss 'em? hey, medda, anytime you're off to the races, remember -- i got all the winners! medda, whattayasay -- you and me, saratoga. we catch the races, maybe a nightclub -- i'm dreamin', huh? it's some other guy -- right? curtain goin' up, jack -- ! five bucks! we ain't got five cents! talk and eat, right? on you, huh, pal? they laugh and clap his shoulders as he looks uncomfort- able. suddenly david gasps, seeing jack led out in shackles, his face bruised and swollen. everybody stares, horrified. so where's denton? we know that, genius -- if he was here, he'd be tellin' us what to do when he ain't here. what's he doin' with the scabs? dear me, what is dat unpleasant aroma -- ? go on, take a shot -- i bust your scab face, ya yellow-livered, * rotten stinkin' piecea garbage! * you thinkin' you'd like to take a shot at my schnozz -- right? five to one says you can't break it. you really goin' this time? won't be the same without ya. give ya even odds on that. he shakes; the others crowd around. david looks on, left out for the moment; sarah and les beside him.