you, sullivan! stop, i say! you hear me, sullivan? you young miscreant! wait'll i get you back to the refuge! you know this boy? you have a famous friend, this 'jack.'. do you know where he lives? do you have a 'jack kelly' registered here? i wish to see him. i have reason to believe he's an escaped prisoner. possibly dangerous. sullivan, your honor -- francis sullivan. i would have caught him before now but -- judge monahan, i'll speak for this young man -- this boy's real name is francis sullivan; mother deceased; father a convict in the state penitentiary -- he is currently an escapee from the house of refuge, where his original sentence of three months for theft was extended six months for disruptive behavior -- -- followed by an additional six months for an attempted escape -- -- therefore, i ask that he be returned to the house of refuge -- -- and that the court order his incarceration until the age of twenty-one -- after him! the driver whips the horse forward but is jerked off his seat as the carriage separates. the horse runs off. amidst the confusion, david and jack tear through the gates way ahead of snyder.