you know my name -- it's weisel. mister weisel to you. how many? hundred for the wiseguy -- next! * ya got ya papes -- move outta here. * you callin' me a liar, kid? david's sweating, aware that all eyes are on him. * next! hunnerd'll cost ya sixty, cowboy. then move outta the way -- why not? it's a nice day. why don't you ast mr. pulitzer? he whacks the bell with his cudgel; the delanceys stir threateningly. if you ain't buyin' papes, clear out! world employees only on this sida the gates. just give me the means, mr. pulitzer. i'll take care of them for you. pulitzer turns his godlike gaze on weasel, who seems to shrink slightly. pulitzer studies him a moment. okay, 'newsies' -- you check the funny papers this morning? strike's over, boys. something seems to sting him in the neck -- he slaps at it as if at a mosquito. then other thugs begin slapping -- all over the square, thugs are slapping and looking around in puzzlement -- then -- -- the bell clangs as it's hit by a good-sized stone. show's over, cowboy. he turns to see weasel and the delanceys grinning at him, clubs in their hands. they start toward him and suddenly disappear -- straight down the trap door that's suddenly opened beneath their feet. jack sees spot at a lever in the wings -- mr. pulitzer picked 'em out hisself. a special gift to a special new employee. only not so new, huh, cowboy? i'm gonna be lookin' for you, wiseguy -- -- or maybe you'd like a nice new suit of your own. mr. pulitzer says nothin' but the best for you, cowboy. he takes care of his loyal employees -- and he's put me personally in charge of seein' that you stay a loyal employee. he opens a door and they enter -- you try any tricks, and i go straight to mr. pulitzer. will you be requirin' anything else? then i bid you good night. sleep well, cowboy? jack ignores him, moves off with his papers. the delanceys pass by; morris grinning at him, bouncing a club in his hand. lift one finger. and you're right back in the refuge. jack stops, torn. he nods meekly, moves off. weasel looks satisfied. i don't know how he got in here, mr. seitz -- but i'll take care of him, with pleasure. just say the word! come again? a tomato hits him in the face; he turns to see les wiping tomato juice off his hands.