and "we" is? just the check. it's a joke, but it's true. the future changes every time you look at it. because you looked at it. cause once you see it, you're different. maybe just a little. and that changes everything else. it's got something to do with quantum physics. try that one, man. i've got a feeling. against my religion. do it, quick, before somebody else gets there. mainly i stick to blackjack. boring but controllable. and safe unless they think you're counting. grand dad, rocks. scuse me, sorry. most of the time, i'm not paying attention. just making sure i don't step in a mess. sometimes i get a blast from far away. or i can start with a glimpse of something close and keep pushing on. usually it's none of my business. guy around? tell him it's king midas. i need to cash some chips. - got tagged. i've been trying to lay low. he was gonna kill you! you all would'a died! that was the night donna broke off our engagement. i was so drunk i could barely see now. christ, guy, did you have to? well, you can save your breath. cause i know what you're gonna say. i'm sorry to hear that. but i'm done playing the market. except last time, neal didn't take "finito" for an answer. i can stay ahead of `em forever. because i don't want to be used any more. cause what i want is freedom. and you don't get it by giving it up. enjoy it while it lasts. looking for this? don't mess with somebody who knows your moves before you even think 'em. don't wait for me. i came to fix you dinner. sometimes not knowing is better. if i tell `em the truth, you know what happens? i end up with the feds. - and you know what they do to me? it's not funny, irv. that's all i do, day after day, for the rest of my life. watch the news until i lose my hair and croak. the best i can do is stay away from all of `em. i know, i know, but there's something i gotta do first. she's coming here. the fed. let's play it out. i've got the place all picked out. it's called palau. three hundred teeny islands in the south pacific. nothing ever happens there, so there's nothing to foresee. her. i haven't met her yet. it has to be her. she's the mother of my child. i guess the doctors were wrong. he's got my thing. my thing. agent ferris, come in. let's go in the kitchen. i've got a roast in the oven. yeah, people say i could have been a chef. everyone but you, of course. trust me, it's better if i don't. it's better if i just mind my own business. nobody's grabbed me yet. i know, i know, i've got the place picked out. but there's something i've gotta do first. i have to go. i know, but they're coming for me. this is for nurses and stuff, to make things a little easier. i looked, irv, i really did. i went down every path, every treatment. sometimes there's just no. mind if i join you? is that cruller any good? shopping for a car? rough day? i'm so sorry. i'm a spaz. why would i do that? look, i'm sorry. if i could, i'd do it over. here. well, liz, your luck's about to change. you met me. an angel, actually. and we always reward the people who help us. you don't have to do anything. but i could use a ride. it already has. not even a tingle? then you're way overdue. for a reversal of fortune. any kids? i mean of your own. i guess that's good. considering. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to pry. he didn't want to adopt? it already has. take this exit. quick! just take it! no it's not! traffic was piling up. you didn't see it? we could'a been stuck there for hours. you're right. i'm sorry. i panicked. i get phobic sitting in traffic. it won't happen again, i promise. how `bout at the next gas station? please. i'll fill up your tank. i am really really really really sorry. but lately i've been traveling all around oregon. it's really peaceful up there. exactly. well, thanks for the ride. you're welcome. i understand. well, see ya. sierra pale. just a friend. easy, man. easy, man. no ho'pital. i don' nee' ho'pital. i'm sorry i'm causing you all this trouble. actually, i wasn't standing for that long. why didn't you? what a terrible quality. you're too loyal. once you start watching, it's hard not to get involved. almost. she wanted kids. it's just that. i can't. i don't know. you asked and. i guess i felt like you'd understand. that was incredible. this. you said it was broken. i - i didn't think of it. - i thought you'd be happy to see me. do you want me to leave these somewhere? all right then. i'll just go. i've got a better idea. run away with me to the south pacific. but we're going to be happy together for the rest of our lives. really, i peeked. deadly. let's go pack your bags. we'll leave tonight. don't worry. that's always been easy for me. why? they'll replace you. they can pick up the slack. i - i don't think it's okay. i'm not that kind of person. but i have this feeling, this very strong feeling, that it has to be now. we have to leave soon, or it's not gonna work out. yes, but sometimes you have to make it happen. you have to seize the opportunity before it's too late. your students are very lucky. but then you have to sign the divorce papers. i said i'll pay. no need for that. i'll give you cash. okay? will you take cash? okay, three. what do you want me to do? wait for people to die? look, there's something i've been wanting to tell you. it does. it's not religious. i just happen to see my life before it happens. flip it. just do it. heads. flip it again. tails. tails. heads. tails. now you believe me? liz. don't you see? i can get us all the money we need. why? because i care so much about kids that sometimes i overreact? believe me, the feeling is mutual. what do you mean? you want to talk to my doctor? i'll get him on the phone. no, really, i mean it. i'll have him send you my records. because i want you to trust me. all the time. - but mainly how to stay out of trouble. there's only one thing i've ever wanted. a family. well, i was, as they say, left on a doorstep when i was two. never found foster parents who could put up with me. - so to me, a family sounds like plenty. i wish. god, this is gorgeous. what's wrong? you mean, do i believe a higher power brought us together? no. i think we're just the last in a long chain of accidents that started with the big bang. oh, but it is. think of it: for us to meet, everything from the very beginning, every sub-atomic event, every galactic cataclysm, every step of evolution, every act, every accident, every decision in the history of the universe had to happen exactly the way it did just so you and i could be together, right here and now. to whatever happens next. why? late? i do now. i have no idea. unless. but that still doesn't explain. liz, i really did have this problem. i wasn't lying to you. but this is good. this is amazing. i want this baby more than anything. for both of us. you lying bitch! you betrayed me! liz, please, i love you. let me talk to you for one minute. i won't hurt you, i promise. the man i killed was there to rob the store. he was going to panic and shoot five innocent people. because i saw them die. yes. not "might"! those people died! - they just hadn't died yet. once. that's why i don't go out much. so i won't be there to see. if they catch me, they'll put me in a cell without a trial, and they'll never let me out. they do that, you know. there's one decent path. but if we're gonna stay on it, i need you to do exactly what i say. will you give me one chance? one chance in exchange for a miracle? a few steps on, your robe will get caught on a thornbush. you won't be able to get unstuck. ferris and a tough guy will come help you. she'll say, "you've done your country a great service." be unpredictable. surprise works to my advantage. - and read this when you're safe. bet on it. moves erratically, presciently, in bursts, dodging the streaking spots of glare. believe me now? where were you going? i'll check on our ride. right now i'm just trying to stay alive. just the opposite. i never take chances. did the doctors ever say why you couldn't have kids? what's that? except you're not. and neither am i. we're different, that's all. we just had to find the right match. oh shit. oh no. i blew it. get out! now! or you'll die! still on the rock. looks up and sees a cable being lowered from the helicopter. he looks around? is there another way out? out of choices, he reaches for the cable. misses! loses his balance. flails. at the last second, he steadies himself. why does everybody have amnesia but me? don't let them know you're pregnant. i'll get us out of here. we can still make the plane. "from now on, cris, the bullets are real." i'm going. no need for a hotfoot. why? i know what happens. you tie me down and never let me out. because you're trying to force me. i don't believe you. don't get too attached to your arms and legs. he hasn't got the balls. i'd say you have way too much. give me your keys. if i see you, i'll kill her. "we got off on the wrong foot." "all been a big misunderstanding." "we've never meant you any harm." i guess you're a better liar than i am. it'll never happen. when are they going to give up? after you're dead? to a gang of murderers? what's about to happen. you've brought it on yourselves. i'm planning on it. get out! i guess. they didn't explain. they were trying to force me. liz? where are you going? but i have conditions. liz. i can't. - i have to go. there's something i have to do. something you'd want me to do. and i can't put it off any longer. liz, it's not like that. i searched for you for a long time. i want to be with you forever. but a lot has happened since then. we're going to have a child. i don't expect you to believe me. but when you do find out, remember that we came together for a reason. that this wasn't just. one night. it was a special chance for both of us. i'm not. i'm taking the long way around. and i looked for a happy ending. but this was the best i could do. i wouldn't be surprised. i wasn't ready till now. "the future ain't what it used to be." ever hear that expression?