call me, like they did. and try to hold him till i get here. give me a headset. i'm going down there. you! i just need to talk to you! homeland security! i need six men to bring him in. come on, eric, you saw it. we're flying blind and he's got radar. you bastard. look, we analyzed what this ability would look like if it existed. no. i've got a country to protect. terry? terry! - i know you've got your hands full but i was wondering if you might be able to spare a few warm bodies for an outside operation. that's why i need your people. everybody else is assigned. he suggested it. depends how helpful you are. i need to speak to him alone. why'd he come back to vegas? one step ahead of the game. you're wasting your life, cris. you have the most amazing talent, and you're running from it. now if you say that man in the liquor store was going to shoot five people, i believe you. why else would you kill a stranger? but no good deed goes unpunished, eh? i can fix your legal problems. more importantly, i can give you a chance to use your gift. i'll be honest with you, cris. that's not an option. your country needs you. and if we don't grab you, somebody else will. i'd like you to come with me for some testing. would you be willing to do that? where are you going? shit! cavanaugh! i need him alive, cavanaugh. even if he resists. tell them. that's very helpful information. long enough to know we're not gonna catch him by surprise. interesting idea. it'd explain a whole lot. in this case, it does. look, from your own experience, this guy can't be punched, shot, surprised, captured, or confined. so either he's got something special, or you're an idiot. and i'm not saying you are. we've got to think like he does. we've got to think ahead. you know you're very sexy when you're ruthless. my guy's got a flashlight. we just need to bring him in. this one first. a trap for somebody who can see the future. and then these. stay in the car. if he sees your shadow, he won't take the bait. agent ferris. that's why i came to you. even his best friend says he'll never turn himself in. - at this stage, there's only one way to keep him from self-destructing. but silently, right? gentlemen, try to think like him. - if the plan is to go in right after he's trapped, he'll see it coming and he'll slip away before he's trapped. like he's always done. and if he doesn't know he's trapped, he can't foresee knowing he's trapped. the eureka moment is when he realizes he's been trapped. voila. women hate good-looking men. rejecting them makes us feel powerful. no. but she doesn't really love him. surprise. okay. wait for my signal. what's she waiting for? i want him alive. tell them. you've made a very stupid mistake. but i've profiled him for months. and i can tell you this: he doesn't love anybody. how could he? to him, we're not even human. i underestimated him. by a lot. change of plans, everybody. no, it's an order. there's only one way to beat this man. he's got to see his own death, and not just maybe. he's got to see himself die again and again and know it's inescapable. and then, maybe, he'll surrender. that'll be his choice. and he was no use to us anyway. somehow we've got to bring him down to our level. i'm workin' on it. move in fast. keep him moving. don't let him rest. don't give him time to look ahead. that's the key. cavanaugh, get all your men into town. cavanaugh? tell them. you take command of the chase. have cars block these intersection. get in the chopper. come to momma. stay after him. keep the pressure on. i need your vehicle. playing chicken. but so do i. and for once, that makes us even. total focus. no doubts or decisions. watches through binoculars as cris snaps one cuff around his wrist -- and waits. she shouts into her radio. cuffs on both wrists. leave him if he doesn't. i don't want to find out. i was wrong about one thing. he is capable of love. i only ask one thing from you. give me a chance to earn your trust. then give me another chance. you get `em all the time. this game was different. he knew i wouldn't flinch. not possible with him. cris, please step into the next room. cris, we'll be firing at you with live ammo. are you ready? now we are going to use live ammo. i promise you, he won't be hit. he's almost impossible to shoot, hit, surprise, capture, or contain. be my guest. no minds to read. the guns are aimed automatically by infrared. we're still in a code red if i'm not mistaken. he's almost never had to face consequences. cris, are you ready to get in the chair? we need information, right? leave him there. we'll start again when he recovers. simple. we make him watch the news and tell us about it. i don't know. but i suspect we can increase his range with practice. especially if we restrict his future to only watching news. then he'll be like a timescope. this is just for starters. you want to stage a pre-emptive strike, he can tell you if you'll hit the target and whether they hit back and what went wrong. and you can do this over and over until you get it perfect before you begin. can we deal with your sexual insecurities at another time? i told you, he doesn't read minds. he sees the results. don't give him time. send them in now. if there's one soft heart, one slow shooter, he'll know it. get him a local. not now. this is getting interesting. we have a mating pair. we don't actually have to do anything. we just have to decide to do something. unthinkable. threats don't count. when he foresees that you actually did kill her, that she's dead. he won't let it happen. - he'll come to us. surrender. and she'll live. but it only works if we're not bluffing. because he'll know. he's getting away. you understand what's at stake here? we're playing for the future. not just what happens next, but what the future is. what the rules are. if you want, i'll pull the trigger. i'll join you in a minute. i need to take care of some details. this is ferris. i'll need a chopper tanked up and ready. we'll find out, won't we? god, you're remarkable. i wish you had a little more sense of duty. you know what our problem is? it's really. exactly. it sounds so insincere when you say it. you know what i'm going to say next? my door will be open. we can start from scratch. the magic word is cooperate. that's all we've ever wanted to hear from you. i see you got our message. where did you get this number? that's music to my ears. i'm sure we can work something out. we don't have time to waste. maybe you could start by telling me how your talent works.