in the movies, when you beat up the neighborhood bully; you suppose to live happily ever after. but around here; that's when all the drama begins. i'll be out in about 35-40 minutes! soon as my pops found out what debo said to ezal, he wanted me to move with my uncle and little cousin in rancho cucamonga. til' things calm down, or debo went back to prison. whichever comes first. here i come! what's the matter? i didn't wanna leave my neighborhood at all. especially my homeboy smokey. but he went to rehab last week. i know i'mma miss him. daddy, punch it! you fake ass suge knight! ya'll making me look like a punk. what's that smell? i do. smells like you didn't fall in no mud. all damn. it's alright. why they got to have the loudest house on the block! you coming in? hey, pops, i'm grown. can't nobody get me in trouble no more. what's crackin'? naw, it ain't like that. alright, i'll remember that. i'll remember. thanks, unc. i know, that's when uncle elroy cussed out everybody, and threw up in aunt faye's backseat. i know, we had a good time. but ever since you guys moved out here, it seems like we've lost touch. who is that? they ever let you hit the switches on that cadillac? this you? must be nice. i wish we won the lottery. come up on a million dollars like ya'll. this my baby. i feel like a new nigga in this car. i get mo' phone numbers rollin' this, than i ever did on the bus. excuse me? yeah, i'm 'bout it. what kind of activity? nice to meet you? man, this a cool house. yeah. oh, yeah, where you work at? thanks for reminding me. thank you. nice to meet you. yeah. uncle elroy, who's that girl by day-day's car? lay down, day-day. stop moving. i know, be still. that's too much water. you paid cash? it's cool, but where's the water? y'all never use it? that's okay, unc. i can't swim, either. you straight? just a little. what's the matter with your girlfriend? what? restraining order? where the hell you meet this girl? damn, you got a stalker. you got a restraining order on a little girl named baby d? who is that? yo know what? i'm starting to like rancho cucamonga. why? yeah, it's bad. and that scratch make it ugly. hold up, day-day. hey! hey! craig and karla, damn that sound pretty good together. where you going? oh yeah, why you walking? you want us to give you a ride? what you mean, you don't know? just wait here. why not? she was cool with it. what you mean, so? why you say that? no thank you. it's too early. suga. i don't know! i don't know, i think i passed out or something. i don't remember. hold on. i said hold on! can i help you? i don't play for no team. naw, i play for the chocamunga cracker killers. you want tickets? what is it? oh damn. uncle elroy. uncle elroy? naw, naw! unc, wake up! it's me! wake up! i walked. yeah, ya'll got a notice today. it came certified mail. i tried to wake up uncle elroy but he thought i was suga. yeah, that's why i walked down here. i don't know. did ya'll forget to pay it or something? see how much it is? damn. how much money ya'll got left from the lottery? okay, plan b. what's the matter? i ain't trying to get in it. no i'm not. day-day ain't here. i'm his cousin. yeah, i work here now. yes you did. i don't know. i think he went out the back. i thought ya'll wanted to buy a cd? right this way. you know damn well you don't listen to no jazz. where you going? you better stop running from that girl. hell yeah, i remember you. it's cool. you ain't got to apologize for your brothers. they're big boys. most definitely. what happen? what you mean talk to her? i'm gone. i know we cousins and all, but don't try an' hook me up with the big little sisters. not me. day-day? yeah it is. the best day before the weekend. what's the green stuff poking out? naw, i already ate. it ain't a bong but, wa-la! hey. black magic. i didn't think you smoked bud that much. you better open up a window or something before the smell gets out. that ain't gonna work. still gonna smell it. this vacuum don't work. where's the restroom? i ain't trying to rob you. man, day-day is my people! nobody! shut up. i been trying to tell yo' ass that. day-day is my cousin. they're right there in the back. nothing. in a strange way, i feel responsible for day-day getting fired. if i wouldn't have fought pinky, and gave day-day the joint, he'd still have a job. i don't know yet. sorry about today, man. wait. check'em out. you see that? it's something in that hydraulic pump. naw. i bet'cha it's something better than air. i don't know, and it could be anything. but i just say we go take a look. could be. rather be crazy than homeless. now all we need is a big pack of baloney. it's about to work, just come on. that's what the baloney's for! what's the b-g's? look, day-day. if we don't go over there and take a look, this might be the last night you got a home. now trust me. it is easy. you know why? 'cause they're not expecting it. now, roach, you gotta occupy cheeco. long enough for me and day-day to take a good look. well get along with this one. go ahead of us. don't get seen and don't let that mutt out of your sight. cheeco. come on, he should have'em by now. you go first. you go first. day-day, if you don't hop that fence i'mma throw you over. what? me too. wait. he's still over by roach. that pump was full of money. i saw where they put it. stay right here, i'mma climb in and go get it. no, man, just wait. huh? i hope you don't think i'm crazy, but i just had to come in here and show you i ain't scared of yo' punk ass brothers. and you wouldn't have be scared of 'em neither if you had a man like me in yo' life. yes i did. excuse me. most of it. i just hate to see you in this situation. why didn't she put'em out? i'm sorry to hear that. i did. is that door locked? make sure. i got my cousin day-day waiting for me. i be damn. okay. yeah, i'm cool. see you later. have you seen day-day? daddy, uncle elroy, i need your help. you see that? yup. it's a long story. right now we gotta do somethin'. that's a nice piece of heat right there. come on. he's on the other side, sleep. i'm not sure, but i think they're in this room. yeah, pops! stretch it out. ya'll mothafuckas help me! i love fridays. you're welcome, unc. you too. nothing. naw, i'm got live ghetto fabulous. make sure you get that car fixed. i don't know. probably next friday. Well, all's well that ends well. Another Friday gone. Another problem solved. It's a trip to know that things can get crazy in the suburbs, too. I can't wait to get back home. to the peace and quiet streets of South Central.