get yo dumb ass in the back. what the fuck you looking at? so what? it shouldn't have been in the street. i'll take you later. hey! i said i'll take your fuckin' ass later. now get out of here. you're scaring our company. no, keep working. close the door. alright, put it in that drawer. fuck that. i don't want no doors locked around here. you hear me? good, 'cause that's how you gonna get it. you shut the window. you fuckin' lover boys hear that? don't fuckin' move. what the fuck you want? what?! this look like a 7-11 or something? get the fuck outta here! shut up! both of you right now! i don't believe this sugar shit. something ain't right. keep your mouth shut. nothing. what you want? take your car. yeah, and hurry up. if everything's alright. we might let you leave, too. what?!?! it means you miyateas are staying with us. get the duct tape. you know what to do. shut the fuck up! i'm hearing a lot of talking, but i'm not hearing the right words. shut up! where's that other miyatea? tape his mouth shut. i'm sick and tired of bullshitting with you guys. baby brother, go get the chainsaw. my little brother went out to get my chainsaw. i'mma show you what happens to fools who don't tell me what i wanna hear. you ever see scarface, mothafucka? where are these fucking guys? what you doing here? looks like a dead man. say hello to my little friend.