yo, day-day! check me out. i feel you. i've just been practicing that one move all week. i thought that was it. did you see that? that was a w.w.f. hit right there, huh, day-day? what up, bro? what it say? what it say? what is it? pinky's. that was a girl on a cell phone. she said she's outside in the parking lot waiting for you to take her to lunch. that the big one, huh? i'll do it. hey, ladies. i don't know, he must've left. will do. yeah. haul ass, dude. don't stop. she moves well for a big girl. great moves, day-day. you know what he mean, dude. you don't wanna know. for sure. that's how i like 'em. negative. they vamped. bummer, huh? and friday is suppose to be a kick-ass day. that's fuckin' poetic, craig. that's cron-don, sir. my mom hates for me to smoke, so she made me bud-brownies. wanna bite? come on, day, try it. for moms. wo! sorry, bro, reflexes. how did you do that? weed doesn't solve problems. it eases the mind, and the soul. enjoy. i do. sorry, dude. i got an idea. fuck yeah. no way. watch this. r-u-s-h intensely. i thought the vacuum would work. you could sell your beamer. maybe you can ask him to loan you the money. i know. why me? i know what i'mma do. go home and face the music. my dad is gonna kick my ass for getting fired again. yeah, me too. later. my board! you ran over my board! who the fuck is that, day-day? i'm not letting nothing go. they killed my board. me neither. i say we go over there and kick their asses. i can take the little one. what about the dog? try an' hold it, man. squeeze your ass cheeks together. dude, dogs hate me. i don't know why. me and k-9's just don't get along. fuck, what's his name? here, cheeco. chee-co, here boy. that's a good boy. is having no luck. cheeco is nowhere to be found. roach starts to sing. my baloney has a first name. it's c-h-e- e-c-o. picks up the baloney and stuffs the whole pack into his mouth. cheeco is silenced. roach is relieved. his meat supply is almost gone. he tries to think fast. cheeco starts to look for more meat. roach grabs the smashed brownie out of his pocket and throws it to cheeco. he swallows it in one big gulp. he's looking for more. there is no more. roach smiles. cheeco growls. good boy. nice dog. no lungs, baby. no lungs. like i was saying. a guy like me, and a dog like you, don't need this bullshit. we need to be in maui renting jet ski to fat funks in flower shirts. you feel me, c? where's craig? why did he go in the house? go for it. this is a knock. hold on. a man, you broke my fuckin' board and i don't appreciate it. and some rolling papers. hey. i don't know. hey, mister joker, have a heart, bro. it's friday. yeah, brown and white relations, too. bite his ear! he's a boy, dude. don't worry, bro, you, suga, day-day and craig can live with me and my parents. 'til you get back on yo' feet. there he go. hey, guys, i'm outta here. hey, man, the pleasure's all mine. thanks for the dog, and the money. maybe my dad won't kick my ass tonight. okay, later, bro. hey, craig, nice smokin' wit'cha. later, mr. jones. bye, suga.