you burned through your stash already? ahh. well, i hope you don't mind. i called neal to let him know you're here. you say everything's inevitable, so i guess i did. then you're aware that neal is in a serious cash crunch and could lose it all. neal's got it all worked out. he'll fly you out of the country on his jet. put you up in style. he pays taxes, totally legal. you get cash, squeaky clean. half the net. when your share hits fifty mil, you can say "finito". and it's over. you need us, asshole! the law is breathin' down your neck! but why live that way? what do you give a shit as long as you get what you want? the jet'll be sold in a week. then there goes your ticket out. i've got a little problem with the irs. think i could get some relief? and another thing, no woman ever turns him down, i'm serious. mainly because he only propositions the ones he knows'll say yes, which is most of `em anyway. but does that make him happy? no. says he's bored. never surprised. has to watch himself die over and over again. didn't say, but i'm guessin' it's this friend who's dying. an old fart who took him in when he was strung out on drugs. - he's an orphan, ya know. been on the road since he was ten.