we're on code orange. that's an ultra low probability. none of your "specials" have ever panned out, and this isn't the time to experiment. callie, people are talking. they say i'm only funding your research because we're involved. right. i'm sorry, but they're right. i care about you, and i wanted to support you. but there's a limit to what i can. use your charm on somebody else. so basically we've got nothing. you're failing your country, people. you're not trying hard enough. do you understand what i'm saying? do you understand what i expect from you? are there any questions? we're groping in the dark. i'll see if baines can spare some manpower. it's red now. and we're out of leads. please, make me a believer. not on my watch, you're not. it's your experiment. mind if i try? whoa, you are one tough bitch. he knew he'd get shocked, but he chose to resist. okay, how do we use him to find the bombs? how far ahead can he see? you were right. this is huge. right now, sweetheart, we can't even get him to sit in a chair. we've got to think this through. your friend could be more dangerous than the terrorists. with this guy, you have to. or it'll be over before it begins. that may not be enough. we may have to cut off his arms and legs. then i might start to feel safe. think about it. what we're talking about here is the next step in human evolution. and i'm not gonna make the same mistake the neanderthals made when they ran across this good-looking homo sapien fellow and all the lady neanderthals said, "he's so cute. let's keep him around." you mean after it's too late? wait for my signal, then go in and surround him. i'll do the talking. cris, this eric wisdom. i'm the director of this facility. cris, time is running out. baines, do it. don't let him out of here alive. be careful. i don't want anything to happen to you. no demerol. i need to be alert. secure the female. you realize if he gets away now, we'll never get him back. he'll be out there, and he'll be our enemy. you want me to threaten to kill a pregnant woman? any developments on the code red? . let me know if there are. baines, bring the girl friend to the interrogation room. i'll deal with her there. by killing an innocent woman. i think that might be. more reliable. get more men up here. where the hell did she get the scissors? how? don't shoot. we don't. we let him go. - it's part of the plan. no, but ferris is. i hope he loves you as much as i love her. in war, you have to be as ruthless as your enemy. i didn't mean him. i'm sorry.