whoops! nice body check. you know my wife has a deeply personal reason for going after repeat drunk drivers. they are felons and they should be treated as such. a drivers license is a privilege, not a right. my wife is not interested in negative campaigning. she wants to accentuate the positive. i don't know about you but i find that refreshing. me? i'm just a business man. what is it? is there a problem? what? what are you talking about? this is. this is insane. how do you know this? you are!? you brought this man here!? you brought this man to my room!? there certainly is. this man says he's been hired to kill eleanor. jesus christ! what have you done to me!? christ almighty! i'm on record. i never wanted this. i wanted simplicity; a telescopic sight, a powerful rifle, but no. what was good enough for oswald wasn't good enough for you two. you had to get fancy. drag some shmuck in off the street, stick a gun in his hand. oh great. why don't we just give him our home phone numbers while we're at it? there is a dead woman on my bathroom floor! only thing better would be if he were a postal worker. hey, el, how's the head? it's an important speech. excuse me. during a campaign every speech is important. this is free media exposure. primetime news coverage that we couldn't buy. who, him? just visiting. he's my friend. and he did help you to get elected, after all. what happened here? eleanor, please. i'll put it this way. this speech or a half-dozen rubber chicken-fund raisers. what do you say? come on, el, you're a trooper. i'll get you some pepto, you'll make one of your patented tributes to the common person, then back to sacramento. this is no time to lay down on the job. i don't care what the polls say, you can't afford to relax. look what happened to bush. tell you what, if you want to blow off the sacramento speech, fine. but do this one and we'll get out of the smog. that's my girl. aw, gee. i sent her on an errand. i've been a bad boy. ladies and gentlemen of the press, campaign volunteers, and those of you who were looking for any excuse to take off work for the afternoon. we have with us today the first woman governor of our great state. governor eleanor samara grant. what can i say about her. that won't get me in trouble when i get home tonight. she's a woman who loves our great state. a brilliant legislator. who will soon win her second term as the greatest governor california has ever seen! ladies and gentlemen. i am honored to present to you our esteemed governor and my beloved wife, eleanor samara grant! my god, he did it!