they-didn't hear a word i said. the mike was too low on the podium. somebody did. don't you dare, franco. this is one of our biggest supporters. eleanor grant, gubernatorial incumbent. that's a mouthful isn't- it? i love saying that. whose idea was it to have a lunch right after the brunch? i'm about to bust as it is. what can i do for you mr. watson? i think we can accommodate you. eleanor grant, gubernatorial incumbent. you were saying? your daughter? yes? of course. i wish everything were that easy. what's her name? are you all right? elevators make me queasy, too. my friends, my good friends. i remember that horrible night as if it were yesterday. a phone call pulling me out of sleep, the terrible news. my husband and child senselessly killed by a drunk driver. but tragedy, if it doesn't destroy us, has a curious way of giving us strength. i doubt if i would be before you now, if i hadn't been put through that crucible of loss. and though i can never forget william and bill junior or the love i felt for them. i have found joy again in serving this great state. i have found love again in my second husband brendan. who the hell are you? my security people are right next door. one loud scream will bring them in here instantly. you won't get very far. think it over. that's. a comfort to hear. ah. i remember you. in the elevator. you were very nervous. of course. but suppose we set up an appointment. i have an important speech to deliver and you're cutting into my nap time. how do you know that? you shot her? who did? what? what the hell are you saying? i said i'd listen to you, not necessarily believe you. you're telling me my people are in a plot against me. you're telling me my husband wants me killed. what do you expect? i'd prefer we didn't refer to it as my last speech. i love it when pistolero's talk of trust. indeed. franco! franco.' i. i'm afraid i've had a bad dream, franco. lousy. and i have siesta hair. i'm thinking of canceling the speech. it's just another speech in a tower of babel so high that nimrod himself would be put to shame. cancel. make my apologies. what's he doing here? don't remind me. nothing. i broke a lamp. truth is, besides the headache i've come down with a little lower intestinal havoc. make my apologies. all right, i'll do it. but i want to make some changes. get krista in here right away won't you? you sent my assistant on an errand. thank you! thank you all! are you all right, franco? any comment at this time would be most premature. please, we'll have something for you in a couple of hours. please. i. 1 would like to. thank you, mister wat. gene. i would also like to apologize. for not believing you. you have a very brave father, lynn. yes, yes he is. of course. i'll get a car to drive you. good luck.