nods solemnly. gene reaches the platform and gives out an exaggerated sigh. we made it. on tv. no way. nods. right. you stole that. i want my daddy. everybody does? laughs. let me do it. it's loud! where is my daddy going? my daddy is going to be a hero? like power rangers? lynn calling daddy. lynn calling daddy. come in, daddy. i can hear you good. can you hear me? he has to say "over and out". daddy, you have to say "over and out". i've done much better ones than this. oh, yes. i'll show you. i have much more colors at home. daddy? daddy, did you hear me scream? she told me to scream as loud as i could. did you hear me? daddy? i'm tired. i want to.go now. can we go now? to be a hero? all right. i promise. no. kisses to you. no, kisses to. where are we going? why do you keep looking at me? i'm not a baby. i'm not a big girl but i'm not a baby. why? a surprise? he's a hero. dads are like that. no, kisses to you!