look sharp. nah. hates his wife. keep your eyes peeled. too old. if you ever had an idea it would die of malnutrition. first those blue hairs then some spic. leave this to me. i know people. it's my job. i'm a people person. i'm looking for them. right there. look at 'em. he'd do anything for her.- foreigners! fuck! perfect. could i see some identification, sir? that'll do just fine. you're from santa maria, mr. watson? come with us, sir. you don't want to cause a ruckus, with the little girl and all. don't worry. she's good with kids. into the van, mr. watson. front seat. that's right. the policeman is your friend. isn't that right, daddy? daddy? let's get down to business. pay attention, mr. watson. pay attention and your daughter won't be hurt. mr. watson, you're not paying attention. your daughter's life depends on you. do you understand that? good. this is for you. in it there is a picture of a woman and an itinerary. it is her itinerary. she is presently - are you listening, mr. watson? she is presently at the bonaventure hotel. that's right near here. when you leave this van you will get yourself a cab and take it to the bonaventure hotel. then you will take this. and you will kill the woman whose picture is in there. not just shoot her, mind,! kill her. i'd recommend you empty the gun into her. close up. got all that? what's your point? yes, you will, mr. watson. it is now 12:16. if the woman in the picture is alive at 1:30. . i call my partner, your daughter is dead. and what happens if i don't call you? did you hear that, mr. watson? do you understand? the woman in the picture. or your daughter. god can't help her, mr. watson. only you can help her. you're wasting time. let's test this thing. you on? you'11 need some cash. i'll hang onto this for the time being. oh, and. you'll need these. get moving, mr. watson. time's a wastin'. you talk to a cop, you even look at a cop too long and your daughter is dead. do it. that's enough. look at your watch. look at it! at one-thirty your little girl is dead. say it with me. at one-thirty my little girl is dead. say it. say it! unless you do what you're told. go do it! and don't forget i'll be watching you. check your itinerary. move along. of course you're invited. you're a big donor to the campaign. they love you. this'11 get you in anywhere. red elevator. thirty-fifth floor. i'm the guy who's going to kill your daughter if you don't get moving. room for one more? a pleasure to meet you, governor. she was right in front of you! what's wrong with you!? are you 'fucking with me!? what about the gun? you. you won't get many chances like that, mr. watson. that's the way life works. don't blow the next one. there, all loaded. ready for the hunt. you get another chance in ten minutes. all right, mr. watson, but make it just one. i don't want you. i've got him in the crosshairs. i know what you're thinking. me? the bitch would be dead. course i ain't sayin' which bitch. yeah. it's under control. i oughta throw you after that walkie- talkie but i'm going to give you a break because you're an amateur. yeah, thanks. have a cracker. have a cracker, mr. watson. there was this guy. big guy. irish- italian. red-faced, black-haired, jolly son-of-a-bitch. nobody could make me laugh like him. we closed more bars together than i can count. he was my pal. i loved that crazy mick, i'm not ashamed to say it. but he was fuck-up. he had this image of himself. thought he was con man. always trying to shave the edge. nickel and dime. i'll always miss him. tell me why. tell me why i miss him. that's right. he's dead. tell me why. tell me why he's dead. that's right, i killed him. he fucked up one too many times so i put a bullet in his eye. then i put two more into him just to make sure. now that was somebody i loved. i loved that motherfucker but i got the call and i put him down like a sick animal. so if you've got any doubts about what's going to happen if you don't deliver let me tell you something. i'd make gravy out of your little girl just to season that black irish cocksucker's meat. do what you're supposed to do. do it now. shit! (calmly, staring at help me get her off the rug. you fucked up. you want me to kill your kid!? you want me to kill you!? you fucked up. nearly doesn't count. what were you going to do, brendan? lock her in a closet? you're in the fucking kitchen now. get used to the heat. he's been seen all over the hotel, looking like some loony tunes. we even got him on video. it'll work. don't worry about it. yeah. it doesn't matter what he hears. that's what it looks like. she was alive a minute ago. now she's dead. because you wouldn't do what i told you to do. do you now, mr. watson? keep your voice down. that's not my problem, mr. watson come back. come back. fucking radio. what choice do you have? after you. look out there! you see the van? you see it?! come back. do it! security. take the next car. again. you got one last chance. half an hour and that kid is dead. i'll kill her myself. i'll rip her fucking head off right in front of you! the next time i tell you to do something, you goddamn well do it! come on, let's get some privacy. you wouldn't be kidding me now, would you, mr. watson? hey, nigger! is that right? you can't hear me? nigger? yeah, sure, give me a shine. . shine. i'm putting your toy back in your pocket, mr. watson. it's all wound up. now let's get out your itinerary. that's right. that gives you. twenty-six minutes to get your shit together. no. forget about it. don't you threaten me. you know what i'm gonna do. come back. put her on. just put her on. that's enough. i don't care who the fuck you do it for just so you do it. hey. you done yet? it doesn't. i remember when it was a fuckin' quarter. twenty-five minutes. shut up. in the john. you' oughta learn to relax. i told you i've got it under control. out of there, mr. watson! your time's up! you forgot to wash your hands. i've got faith in you, mr. watson. i know you're not just a regular guy, see, i know that. even if you don't know it yourself. maybe that's why i picked you. daddy blew it. very good. mr. watson. i told them. i could make a killer out of you.