the deadly nightshade you slipped me wore off, sally. you're not ready for so much excitement! you're coming with me! come back here you foolish oaf! ow! sally, you've come back. for this? shall we then. that's twice this month you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off -- you're mine you know! i made you with my own hands. it's a phase my dear, it'll pass. we need to be patient that's all. sally, that soup ready yet? ah, what's that? worm's wart, mmm, and. frog's breath. nothing's more suspicious than frog's breath. until you taste it i won't swallow a spoonful. you want me to starve. an old man like me who hardly has strength as it is. me, to whom you owe your very life. you've poisoned me for the last time you wretched girl. oh my head. the door is open. jack skellington, up here my boy. is that so, whatever for? how perfectly marvelous. curiosity killed the cat, you know. come on into the lab and we'll get you all fixed up. you can come out now if you promise to behave. sally. sally. oooh! gone again! hmm. their construction should be exceedingly simple. i think. you will be a decided improvement over that treacherous sally. excellent, igor. what a joy to think of all we'll have in common. we'll have conversations worth having. careful, my precious jewel!