i believe it was our most horrible yet! thank you everyone. not at all mayor. thank you, thank you, thank you -- very much yeah, i guess so. just like last year and the year before that and the year before that. no zero, not now. i'm not in the mood. all right. here ya go boy. where are we? it's someplace new. what is this? whoa!!!! hmm. call a town meeting and i'll tell everyone all about it. immediately! listen everyone. i want to tell you about christmastown. there are objects so peculiar they were not to be believed all around, things to tantalize my brain it's a world unlike anything i've ever seen and as hard as i try i can't seem to describe like a most improbable dream but you must believe when i tell you this it's as real as my skull and it does exist here, let me show you if you please just a box with bright-colored paper and the whole thing's topped with a bow that's the point of the thing, not to know listen now, you don't understand that's not the point of christmas land um, let me explain there's no foot inside, but there's candy or sometimes it's filled with small toys everyone, please now, not so fast there's something here that you don't quite grasp well, i may as well give them what they want and the best, i must confess, i have saved for the last for the ruler of this christmas land is a fearsome king with a deep mighty voice least that's what i've come to understand there's got to be a logical way to explain this xmas thing. hel-lo dr. i need to borrow some equipment. i'm conducting a series of experiments. i know. zero, i'm home. interesting reaction. but what does it mean? christmas time is buzzing in my skull will it let me be? i cannot tell there's so many things i cannot grasp when i think i've got it, and then at last through my bony fingers it does slip like a snowflake in a fiery grip eureka!! this year, christmas will be ours! perhaps it can be improved? i knew it! dr. thank you for coming. we need some of these. no--how jolly. ah, halloween's finest trick or treaters. the job i have for you is top secret. it requires craft, cunning, mischief. absolutely no one is to know about it. not a soul. now-- and one more thing -- leave that no account ooogie boogie out of this! it goes something like this. how about it? think you can manage? fantastic! now why don't you all practice on that and we'll be in great shape. sally, i need your help more than anyone's. that's splendid. that not my xmas. my xmas is filled with laughter and joy and this--my sandy claws outfit. i want you to make it. how could it be--just follow the pattern. this part is red, the trim is white. now don't be modest, who else is clever enough to make my sandy claws outfit. i have every confidence in you. this device is called a nutcracker. perfect! open it up. quickly! that's not sandy claws! not sandy claws. take him back! which door? there's more than one. sandy claws is behind the door shaped like this. arr!! i'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir. take him home first and apologize again. be careful with sandy claws when you fetch him. treat him nicely. i don't believe what's happening to me my hopes, my dreams, my fantasies hee, hee, hee, hee hmm, my compliments from me to you on this your most intriguing hat consider though this substitute a bat in place of this old rat huh! no, no, no, now that's all wrong this thing will never make a present it's been dead now for much too long try something fresher, something pleasant try again, don't give up it's ours! it's christmastime hee, hee, hee isn't that wonderful. it couldn't be more wonderful! not anymore. and i feel so much better now. you're right, something is missing but what? i've got the beard, the coat, the boots -- sandy claws in person. what a pleasure to meet you. why you have hands! you don't have claws at all. surprised aren't you? i knew you would be. you don't need to have another worry about xmas this year. consider this a vacation sandy, a reward. it's your turn to take it easy. see that he's comfortable. just a second fellows. of course, that's what i'm missing. thanks! ho ho ho oh no! we can't take off in this! the reindeer can't see an inch in front of their noses. there go all of my hope, my precious plans, my glorious dreams. no zero, down boy. my what a brilliant nose you have. the better to light my way! to the head of the team, zero! we're off! ho ho ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho ho he he he merry xmas! and what is your name? that's all right. i have a special present for you anyway. there you go sonny. hohohohehehe merry xmas! hohohohehehe you're welcome one and all! look zero, search lights! they're celebrating! they're thanking us for doing such a good job. whoa, careful down there, you almost hit us. it's ok, zero. head higher! who's next on my list. ah, little harry and jordan. won't they be surprised. they're trying to hit us! zero! merry xmas to all and to all a good night. come on zero. xmas isn't over yet! hello oogie how dare you treat my friends so shamefully. forgive me mr. claws, i'm afraid i've made a terrible mess of your holiday. i hope there's still time-- how did you get down here sally? to help me sally, i can't believe i never realized. that you. it's great to be home! merry xmas! my dearest friend, if you don't mind i'd like to join you by your side where we can gaze into the stars