don't worry, you're not gonna change into bride of frankenstein or anything. nancy have any severe childhood illnesses? scarlet fever? high temperatures -- concussions? nightmares are expected after psychological trauma. don't worry, they go away. everyone's got to dream. if you don't dream, you go. all set? look, i know it's been fright- ening, i know your dreams have seemed real. but. it's okay. okay? how long's this been going on? not to worry. no signs of path- ology in nancy's eeg or pulse rate. i'd guess what we've got is a normal young girl who just happens to have gone through two days of hell. ever hear the old buddhist tale about the king who dreamed he was a beggar who dreamed he was a king? okay, good. she's asleep. mysteries. incredible body hookus pokus. truth is we still don't know what they are or where they come from. as for nightmares. did you know that in the last three years twenty philipino refugees in california died in the middle of nightmares? not from heart attacks, either. they just died. she's entering deep sleep now. heart rate's a little high due to anxiety, but otherwise she's nicely relaxed. all normal. she could dream at any time now. right now she's like a diver on the bottom of an ocean no one's mapped yet. waiting to see what shows up. okay, she's started to dream. r.e.m.'s. rapid eye movements. the eyes follow the dream -- their movement picks up on this -- beta waves are slowing, too. she's dreaming, all right. a good one, too. typical dream parameter. a nightmare, now, would be plus or minus five or six; she's just around three point -- can't be. it never gets this high. jesus h. christ. now, this is just going to let you relax and sleep, nan -- okay, kid. okay. fair enough. get the kit!