next time you have one, just tell yourself that's just all it is, right while you're having it, y'know? that's the trick. once you do that, you wake right up. at least it works for me. see, i got this cousin who lives near the airport, that it's okay for me to stay with, right? so i found this sound effects tape at licorice pizza, and. hello, mom? yeah, out here at barry's. huh? yeah, noisy as usual. glad we don't live here -- huh? yeah, aunt eunice says hello. right, right -- i'll call you in the morning! right! huh? yeah, sure, i, huh?. uh. some kid's drag racing outside, i think. listen, mom, i got to go -- i think there's been an accident out front -- i -- right. i'll call the police. no, just some neighbors having a fight, i guess. i'm fine, i'm fine! call you in the morning! jesus. he should join the marines, they could make something out of him. like a hand grenade. that's impossible. nothing. i'm gonna punch out your ugly lights, whoever you are. it's just a stupid cat. kitty-kitty? chow chow chow? maybe a funeral, you dickhead. so we'll guard her together. through the night. in each others' arms like we always said. why's she so bothered by a stupid nightmare, anyway? who was scary? me? i don't dream. morality sucks. what the hell's going on!? rod? rod, you better not hurt tina. you okay? oh, shit. i. i'm gonna call the cops -- sorry! saw your light on. thought i'd see how you were. shut up and let me in. you ever stand on a rose trellis in your bare feet? so. i heard you freaked out in english class today. haven't slept, have you? you look dead and rained on, if you want the ugly truth. and what you do to your arm? slept like a rock. no. one two, freddie's coming for you? no. rod killed tina. he's a fruitcake and you know it. i believe in you, me, and rock and roll. and i'm not too sure about you lately. uh-oh. okay, okay. i think. okay, i won't screw up. jesus, it's dark in here. yeah. so? what i do? oh, shit. you mind telling me what's going on? oh, i see. that makes it all perfectly clear. we have reason to think there might be something weird going on. listen, sir, this is serious. nancy had a nightmare about rod being in danger, or something, and so she thinks. whenever i get nervous i eat. used to. not anymore. you ever read about the balinese way of dreaming? they got a whole system they call 'dream skills'. so, if you have a nightmare, for instance like falling, right? instead of screaming and getting nuts, you say, okay, i'm gonna make up my mind that i fall into a magic world where i can get something special, like a poem or song. they get all their art literature from dreams. just wake up and write it down. dreamskills. they turn their back on it. takes away its energy, and it disappears. i guess those people don't wake up to tell what happens. 'booby traps and improvised anti-personel devices'! well what you reading it for? she's starting to scare the living shit out of me. hello? oh. hi, how y'doing? i heard your ma went ape at the security store today. you look like the prisoner of zenda or something. how long's it been since you slept? who? you do? me!? why would anyone want to kill me?! bring him out of what? how you plan to do that? me? wait a minute, you can't bring someone out of a dream! i can save you the trouble. you're nutty as a fruitcake. i love you anyway. what!? you crazy? hit him with what? meanwhile? holy shit! midnight. baseball bats and boogemen. unfucking real. whuu? wasn't listening to the tube, just watching. miss nude america's supposed to be on tonight. who cares what she says? i will, mom. in a while. you guys turning in? well, i'm not gonna risk sneaking out until she does. you believe this fog?