i'd've canned your ass if you hadn't. what you got? what's the coroner got to say? where is she? terrific. what the hell was she doing there? omit 37. i don't mean her -- omit 37. i mean you. what the hell was she doing there? marge. how you doing, pal? i don't want to get into this now, god knows you need time. but i'd sure would like to know what the hell you were doing shacked up with three other kids in the middle of the night -- especially a delinquent lunatic like lane. you got a sane explanation for what he did? what? i suggest you keep a little better track on her -- she's still a kid, y'know. see they get home okay. now just step away from her, son. like your ass depended on it. i'm warning you. what the hell you doing going to school today, anyway -- your mother told me you didn't even sleep last night! nancy! hey! decide to take a day off after all? only family allowed, nancy. you know the drill. he's dangerous. no, i know, thanks to your own testimony, that he was locked in a room with a girl who went in alive and came out in a rubber bag. make it fast. oh, no argument on that. it so happens i work here, and there's an unsolved murder. i don't like unsolved murders, especially ones my daughter's mixed up in -- what are you doing here at this hour? you're supposed to be getting some sleep. now look, nancy, don't push it. you've already rubbed my nose in sex, drugs and violence -- don't start throwing in insanity! okay, garcia. what the hell. gimme a hand, dammit! how'd you know he was gonna do this? how's nancy doing? she's tougher than you think. any idea how she knew rod was gonna kill himself? yeah. well. let's not start digging up bodies just because we're in a cemetery. you saying somebody else killed tina? who? i think you should keep nancy at home a few days. 'til she's really over the shock. can't sleep, thought i'd come break up the poker game. is quiet, isn't it? she's sensible. she'll sleep sooner or later. tell her i'm not here, tell her. hello nancy. then you know more than i do -- i haven't even been upstairs. yeah, apparantly he's dead. how the hell'd you know? nan, i -- just tell me who did it and i'll go get him, baby. where'd you hear about krueger -- sure, but. sure, sure, honey. you just do that -- get yourself some sleep -- that's what i've been saying all along. sure, okay, i'll be there. now you just turn in and get some rest, sweetheart. please. deal? get outside and watch her house. if you see anything funny call me. i don't know -- but one thing for sure, i don't want her coming over here. she's way too far gone to be able to to handle this. goddamed if i know. what's the coronor say? i know it's hard to think at a time like this, walter, but can you think of anyone who could've done such a thing? who? who did that? krueger? how you know that? keep your head -- this is a fucking flesh and blood killer we're talking about. oh, jesus -- nancy! hey! we got a fire! what the hell are you talking about, nancy? nancy!