hello to you, too, donald. apparantly he was crazy jealous. nancy said they'd had a fight, rod and tina. maybe you don't think murder's serious -- she's been through enough for one night. you have her statement. you think i knew there were boys there!? you try raising a teenager alone. where you think you're going? i could hear you tossing and turning all night, kiddo. you've no business going to school. did you sleep? right home after. nancy, don't fall asleep in there. get into bed. you're not falling asleep, are you? you could drown, you know. it happens all the time. i've got some warm milk all ready for you. why don't you jump into bed? i'm gonna turn on your electric blanket, too. c'mon, now. nancy! nancy! i told you! hundreds of people a year drown like that! you okay? to bed with you, c'mon. no television, forget the homework, no phone calls. and no school tomorrow, either. you take a little vacation, relax and rest for a change. take this, it'll help you sleep. sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite. nancy? you okay? okay. you need anything, just call. i don't think she's slept since tina died. she's always been a delicate kid. no. all i know is, this reminds me too much of ten years ago. time to go home, baby. i got something better. i'm gonna get you help, baby. so no one will threaten you any more. no, nothing. i sure as hell hope so. they're just simple tests, nan. we'll both be right here. please, nancy. trust us. since the murder. she was fine before that. it's just made her think. her dreams are real. thank god. what the hell are dreams, anyway? what happened? that needle sank like a rock. how can you tell? what the hell's this? she awake or asleep? nancy!!! it's mom -- nancy!!!! oh my god, oh my god. where the hell did you get that? she said she snatched it off his head in a dream. no, i'm not crazy, i've got the damn thing in my hand! i know we did, we all. gotta go. you didn't sleep, did you? the doctor says you have to sleep or you'll -- i don't think you're going crazy -- and stop drinking that damn coffee! i threw that filthy thing away -- i don't know what you're trying to prove with it, but -- but that's just not reality, nancy! put that damned thing down! nancy, trust your mother for once -- you'll feel better as soon as you sleep! fred krueger can't be after you, nancy -- he's dead! fred krueger is dead. dead and gone. believe me, i know. now go to bed. i order you, go to bed. you're sick, nancy. imagining things. you need to sleep, it's as simple as that. nancy! nancy -- it's only a nightmare! where's your mask and gun? 's'mine. s'curity. dead and gone. your father the cop. that's a good one. forget fred krueger. you don't want to know, believe me. all right. you want to know who fred krueger was? he was a filthy child killer who got at least twenty kids, kids from our area, kids we all knew. it drove us all crazy when we didn't know who was doing it -- but it was even worse when they caught him. oh lawyers got fat and the judge got famous, but someone forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place, and fred krueger was free, just like that. he wouldn've stopped. the bastard would've got more kids first chance he got -- they found nearly ten bodies in his boiler room as it was. but the law couldn't touch him. what was needed were some private citizens willing to do what had to be done. bunch of us parents tracked him down after they let him go. found him in an old boiler room, just like before. saw him lying there in that caked red and yellow sweater he always wore, drunk an' asleep with his weird knives by his side. we poured gasoline all around the place, left a trail out the door, locked the door, then. whoosh!!! but just when it seemed not even the devil could live in there any more -- he crashed out like a banshee, all on fire -- swinging those fingerknives every which direction and screaming he. he was going to get us by killing all our kids. there were all those men, nancy, even your father, oh yes, even him. but none could do what had to be done -- krueger rolling and screaming so loud the whole state could hear -- no one could take your father's gun and kill him good and proper except me. so he's dead nan. he can't get you. mommy killed him. sure, and glen's. all of us. but that's in the past now, baby. really. it's over. we even took his knives. see? proof he's declawed. as for him, we buried him good and deep. so's okay, you can sleep. we'll go away, take a vacation. get your hair colored nice, the way it was. no one will ever know. this whole room smells of coffee, y'know? it's all over now, baby. the nightmare's over. please. i don't even have it on me, so forget it. paid the guy damn good to make sure you stayed put. you ain't goin' nowhere, kid. you're gonna sleep tonight if it kills me. guess i should'n'a done it. just wanted to protect you, nan. just wanted to protect you. no! nancy -- for god's sake's run! gonna burn off soon or it wouldn't be so bright. they say you've bottomed out when you can't remember the night before. no more drinking, baby, suddenly i just don't feel like it any more. didn't keep you up last night, did i? you look a little peeked. see ya. i believe anything's possible.