matter of fact i had a bad dream last night myself. he's nuts about you. forget it, the point is, every- body has nightmares once in a while. no biggy. right. well, she didn't, exactly. worked like a charm. nice to have a fire. maybe we should call rod, have him come over too. he might get jealous. see? you've forgotten the bad dream. didn't i tell you? fingernails? that's amazing, you saying that. it made me remember the dream i had last night. i dreamed about this guy in a dirty red and yellow sweater; i dream in color, y'know; he walked into the room i was in, right, right through the wall, like it was smoke or something, and just stared at me. sort of . obscenely. then he walked out through the wall on the other side. like he'd just come to check me out. he scraped his fingernails along things -- actually, they were more like fingerknives or something, like he'd made them himself? anyway, they made this horrible nose -- sssssccrrrtttt. i didn't hear anything. then bring us back its tail and whiskers. -- just a sleep-over date, rod. just tina and me. glen was just leaving. rod. we should get her out of here. glen. not now. i mean, we're here for tina now, not for ourselves. because he was scary, that's why. don't you think it's weird, her and me dreaming about the same guy? you didn't have a bad dream last night, did you? oh -- jeez -- glen! rod's gone ape! yeah. something slippering all over here. tina? okay. hi, dad. rod's not a lunatic. it wasn't that serious. she was my best friend! don't you dare say i don't take her death seriously! i just meant their fights weren't that serious. she dreamed this would happen. she had a nightmare about somebody trying to kill her, last night. that's why we were there; she was afraid to sleep alone. school. i gotta go to school, mom. please. otherwise i'll just sit up there and go crazy or something. i'll sleep in study hall, promise. i'd rather keep busy, you know? he doesn't know you. couldn't you change? nobody's gonna kill you. you were screaming like crazy. the door was locked from your side. no! you used me, daddy! tina! screw your stupid pass! tina? who are you? no! no, really, i'm fine. i'll go straight home. i'm okay. my dad here? dad, i want to see rod lane. just want to talk to him a second. you don't know he did it. i just want to talk to him. please, dad. and then what happened? how could somebody get under the covers with you guys without you knowing it? what he look like? you get a look at him? well then how can you say somebody else was there? somebody cut her while you watched and you don't know what he looked like? what you mean 'all at once'? rod! no. i won't. i will. what? mother, for petesakes. warm milk. gross. one, two, freddie's coming for you, three four, better lock your door, five six, grab your crucifix, seven eight gonna stay up late, nine ten, never sleep again. mommy! great no, mother. yes, mother. no, mother. yes, mother. g'night. right. sometimes i wish you didn't live right across the street. if you don't mind. guess i did. not really. burned myself in englsh class. m'god, i look twenty years old. you have any weird dreams last night? well at least i have an objective wall to bounce this off. you believe it's possible to dream about what's going to happen? you believe in the boogey man? you believe in anything? listen, i got a crazy favor to ask. it's nothing too hard or anything. i'm just going to. look for someone, and. i want you to be sort of a . guard. okay? okay? you won't screw up, right? i mean, a whole lot might depend on it. shhh. now listen, here's what we're gonna do. you still there? just checking -- keep out of sight! still there? on your toes, right? glen. glen?! glen! rod! look out! glen!! i swear. glen, where are you! wake up! glen! glen! glen!!! glennn!!! glen, you bastard. i asked you to do just one thing. just stay awake and watch me -- just wake me if it looked like i was having a bad dream. but you. you shit -- what do you do -- you fall asleep! i must be going nuts. yes, mother? yeah. just had a little dream. i'm falling right back to sleep. okay. garcia, i want to see rod lane again. it's urgent, we've gotta see rod. of course -- look, at least go back and look at him. just see if he's okay. dad -- what you doing here? i just want to see if he's okay! this isn't your average nightmare, daddy -- damn it! just go back and check -- please! rod! amen to that much. the killer's still loose, you know. i don't know who he is. but he's burned, he wears a weird hat, a red and yellow sweater, real dirty, and he uses some sort of knifes he's got made into a sort of. glove. like giant finger- nails. but i just don't feel. ready to sleep yet. please, do i have to? he means, did you ever drop me on my head. i don't see why you couldn't just give me a pill to keep me from dreaming. no. it's not you i don't trust. it's. okay. let's do it. no. that's enough sleep. you believe this? i grabbed it off his head. go even crazier? did you ask daddy to have the hat examined? what i learned at the dream clinic, that's what i'm trying to prove. rod didn't kill tina, and he didn't hang himself. it's this guy -- he's after us in our dreams. it's real, mamma. feel it. his name is even in it -- written right in here -- fred krueger -- fred krueger! you know who that is, mamma? you better tell me, cause now he's after me! you call this feeling better? or should i grab a bottle and veg out with you -- avoid everything happening to me by just getting good and loaded -- you knew about him all this time, and you've been acting like he was someone i made up! screw sleep! that's enough! and if you can't do that, you sleep. no. yeah. and what if they meet a monster in their dream? then what? what happens if they don't do that? great. i found it at this neat survivalist bookstore on ventura. i'm into survival. oh gross. mom, what's with the bars!? oh, mom. what's with the bars? mom, i want to know what you know about fred krueger. i want to know how, where -- if you don't tell me, i'm going to call daddy. i do want to know. he's not dead and gone -- he's after me and if i sleep he'll get me! i've got to know! so he's alive? what did you do, mother? go on. who was there? were tina's parents there? were rod's? all these years you've kept those things buried down here? in our own house? fine. stand by your window so i can see you. you sound a million miles away. much better. coming up on the seventh day. it's okay, i checked guiness. the record's eleven, and i'll beat that if i have to. listen, i. i know who he is. the killer. yeah, and if he gets me, i'm pretty sure you're next. don't ask -- just give me some help nailing this guy when i bring him out. my dream. just like i did the hat. have a hold of the sucker when you wake me up. if i can't, then you all can relax, because it'll just be a simple case of me being nuts. good, then you won't mind cold-cocking this guy when i bring him out. you heard me. i grab him in the dream -- you see me struggling so you wake me up. we both come out, you cold cock the fucker, and we got him. clever, huh? you're a jock. you must have a baseball bat or something. come to my window at midnight. and meanwhile. meanwhile whatever you do don't fall asleep. midnight. okay. night-night. hang on glen. glen. don't fall asleep. glen? brilliant. now what if glen calls? hello? i'm awake, i am awake. this is not a dream! i am -- my boyfriend! give me the key, mother. gleeennnnnn! glen!! don't fall asleeeeeep! okay, krueger, you bastard. we play in your court. hi daddy. i know what happened. you know he's dead though, right? i've got a proposition for you. listen very carefully, please. please. i'm gonna go get the guy who did it and bring him to you. i just need you be right there to arrest him. okay? fred krueger did it, daddy, and only i can get him. it's my nightmare he comes to. -- i want you to come over here and break the door down exactly twenty minutes from now -- can you do that? that'll be exactly half past midnight. time for me to fall asleep and find him. and you'll be here to catch him, right? deal. just sleep now, mom. come out and show yourself, you bastard. i'm crazy after all. help! hey -- daddy -- i got him trapped! where are you!? get my father, you asshole! daddy! where are you! hey fuckface -- can't catch me! come on -- he's in here! daddy! don't let him kill me too! heelllppp!!! daddyyyyyyy!!!! hey -- daddy! hey! i got the bastard! dad! get us outta here! i got him -- i got fred krueger! he's after mom! come on! he's under there! watch it! now do you believe me? i know you're there, krueger. i know you too well now, freddie. it's too late, krueger. i know the secret now -- this is just a dream, too -- you're not alive -- the whole thing is a dream -- so fuck off! i want my mother and friends again. i take back every bit of energy i ever gave you. you're nothing. you're shit. god, it's bright. feeling better? nah. just slept heavy. see ya.