just a dream, ma. damn dream, is all. oh, shit. that's what it reminded me of -- that old jump rope song. worst nightmare i ever had. you wouldn't believe it. there's four letters in my name, rod. how could there be room on your joint for four letters? rod says the sweetest things. yeah, nuts. anyway, i'm too tired to worry about the creep. couldn't get back to sleep at all. so what you dream? hey! you have a nightmare too? maybe we're gonna have the big earthquake. they say things get weird just before that. i can't believe his mother let him come over here. really. turn 'er up a little. rod and i are done. he's too much of a maniac. all day long i been seeing that guy's weird face, and hearing those fingernails. what you dream? so what about the fingernails? nancy. you dreamed about the same creep i did, nancy. what? there's somebody out there, isn't there. anyway, i don't have a cat. what the hell you doing here? of course. what's that? hey -- you guys're hanging around -- right? don't leave me alone with this lunatic -- pleeeeze, nancy! i knew there was sometihng about you i liked. jungle man fix jane. no more fights. when did you have a nightmare? where'd you get this snotty old thing? who the fuck you think you are, whoever you are? somebody there? who the hell is that? oh, shit, please god. nancy! open the door -- nancy! nancy. nancy. couldn't get back to sleep at all. what you dream? lookin' good, girl!