we have to. we're the dream police. guys, guys. this is getting us nowhere. we don't know much more than you do. what we do know is that we've been recruited. i think that's obvious. he's ripped a hole between dreams and reality. but we're going to need your help. we were like you. we fought freddy krueger many years ago. our souls were released from his grip. no we're back to try again. shit. he can do anything. jacob, we need you to bring the rest together. yes. we need as many of you as we can get. and you must bring them to springwood. you have the power to link your dreams with other's. dream of springwood, then bring the rest with you. before he takes everyone. we need you to draw him out. fan out. you shouldn't be. but he's not dead. he's not alive either. he's something in between. we can't kill him. krueger's power comes from his rage and the souls of children. this town in its present condition encompasses all evils from all times in its history. the answer is here somewhere. jacob, wait. we have to find him first. it took a human touch. it took knowing his nightmare. goodbye, karen.