we don't have the money to get it fixed. our plumbing has a bad case of hardening of the arteries. who's your friend? david ross. my wife, mary. if there is a next batch. i see the welcome wagon is back. was there any trouble? i know this state like the back of my hand. i've never heard of springwood. you have a legal guardian? been in any state or federal program? got any id? okay. you got three, maybe four days to rest up while we try and find a more permanent arrangement for you. but his isn't going to be a free ride. we're part of a community summer work project and eighty percent of the money you make goes to the house. everybody works - and that includes you. are you on drugs? good. if i catch anything stronger then an aspirin on you, you're outta here. no arguments. you got that straight? okay. dinner in two hours. why don't you go meet the rest of the gang. and take a shower, for chrissakes. this is just what we need. sleep. c'mon, kids. everyone inside. now. we have to be strong. we don't know anything until the authorities are finished with their investigation. in the mean time, no work for tomorrow - three day weekend. but monday, it's back on the job. jacob wasn't covered in our health plan and his little stint at the hospital cost us a bundle. we have to work together or we might lose this place. okay? alright. what's going on here? okay, everybody. out. jacob and i are going to have a little talk. now. hey, i don't know what kind of shit you're shoveling to these kids, but it's going to stop. my good samaritan instincts have their limits. we've had enough tragedy around this place. we don't need you making things worse with fantasies. and i want you to stay away from karen. this isn't america, it's my house. i've been checking up on you. you have no record with the police or the state or any of the runaway groups. you're the invisible kid. and if i sense even a little bit more trouble-making from you, you're going to vanish from here. got it? pack your bags, kids. no. they're taking you away. they say it's for your own good. yes, they can. they consider mary and i possibly unfit to act as foster parents. they're going to find temporary homes for you until this mess is straightened out. i'm so very sorry. they're not calling it an accident this time. they don't really know what to call it. you'll be alright. i don't know. they're thinking of pressing charges. come on. a car from juvenile hall will be here in an hour.