jacob! you're too old to run away from home! payback time. don't worry, i have a strong stomach. is that true? then she told you all about me, huh? let's see what else she has to say. you're such a momma's boy! springwood is only the beginning. all i need from you is a ride! you can't stay awake forever, boy! say it, don't spray it, huh, jacob? come and join the fun! every town as an elm street! thanks for the lift, kid! i already got it! the rest i'm going to get from your new little friends. it's my duty to clean up the neighborhood! aw, poor baby's homesick, isn't he? don't worry. we'll all be one happy family soon. wanna be the first recruit? as you wish. get a new one. yeah, wesley. everything's gonna be great! just have a smoke on us! didn't daddy ever tell you what the surgeon general says? right. welcome to romper room! don't you remember? gettin' kinky, huh? going up? ah, but who is? is a maniac trying to get out! huh? i didn't order anything. ah. alone at last. welcome to my favorite haunt. at your service. a deal. bring jacob to me. power. you don't need to hang out with those losers. you're a take-charge kind of guy, scott. like when you took charge of your father. i'll make you mayor of rosedale. you can have karen. any way you want her. shake? i hate a snitch! lighten up, bone brain. no more playing around. put a lid on it! time to join your mommy. young love. ha! it's past your bedtime, young lady. be honored, bitch. you're the last soul i need. i'll be waiting. daddy? no, daddy. please.