do you hear that? that noise. excuse me. what is that sound? no, it's different. it's not the engines. it's getting louder. um. okay. no! yeah. yeah, mom. i'm fine. on my way. get the hell out of here! it's coming! don't you see it? no! i dreamed you away before i was born! mom said you couldn't come back! leave her alone! you fucker! mom. what's going on? what is this place? oh. lighten up, mister. my kind? what kind is that? swell. i've just got a couple of questions for you. do you love your parents? are they alive? what's it like? i can think of a stronger word. are you okay? jacob. yeah. i just haven't had much to eat lately. it's incredible. best i've ever had. no. i've been on the road for a couple of days. jacob johnson. springwood. upstate about a hundred miles. my father died before i was born. my mother, she's dead, too. no. no. no. yes, sir. hi. they're dead. is he alright? if you know that, then why do you smoke in front of him? just what is your problem, then? what happened? i can't sleep. no. i'm fine. thanks. yeah, no problem. you okay? no shit! what happened to her? jesus. thanks. i can't talk about it right now. i'll tell you later. i promise. i think i will. what! jesus fucking. oh, shit! huh? what's going on? i'm not tired. that's right. why? who says? you know, people don't even really know why we sleep. they haven't found any physical reason for it. sharks don't sleep. they can't pump water through their gills on their own. they have to always keep moving. if they stop, they can't breath. if they go to sleep, they die. i know. i'm just a kid. don't worry about me, wes. go to sleep. get everybody else. i have to tell them something. i mean it! he's neither. he haunts your dreams and if he kills you, you die for real. i know this sounds crazy, but i swear it's true. i went to bed one night and woke up in the middle of the road. freddy krueger killed my mother, blasted my whole town into his nightmare, and, worst of all, i think he wants to use me to kill more kids and bring more towns into his world. i'm not sure. i think i'm some kind of carrier. he's somehow inside me and as soon as i fall deep enough into sleep he'll be let loose. you guys were great to take me in. i just don't want to thank you by getting you all killed. that's what i've been trying to tell you. that's how you see it. i was part of the nightmare, so i'm the only one who notices the difference. you don't believe me, either, do you? why are you still here? feels good to see someone more fucked up than yourself, huh? but you haven't told me why you're here at this place. yeah, that'd be great. don't let me sleep, okay? yeah. thank god. i'm leaving. he can't hurt you if i'm gone. maybe i'll go to the desert or something. i'll lie down in the middle of nowhere and finally get some sleep. krueger can feed of the dreams of snakes and vultures. don't do this to me. i'm just trying to protect you and the others. i don't understand why you're so mad at me. get what? and you're going to convince me, huh? yeah. sure. nooooooo! nooooo! no! don't let them take me! you don't understand! let me go! don't fucking put me under! you'll set him free! what do you want from me? leave them alone! what have you done with my town? over my dead body! alright. just who the hell are you guys? the what? hello? may i butt in here and ask some more stupid questions? by who? why? me? what can i do? just who are you guys. really? i still don't understand what. what's going on? that's what you say. i could've told you that. you said i was fine. i have to get back. my friends are in trouble. you don't understand. this whole town is in danger. you can't do that. you don't have the right! but. shit. who? oh my god. it's started. i already told you how it would happen. it's not shit. when i was put under, freddy was released. i know this because i dreamed it. yes. wesley was his first victim. you said it yourself. how could it have been a cigarette? call me crazy. but i think he's after rosedale. the whole place. in my dream he said something about needing a few souls to get the job done. i think he has to kill in order to get the power to suck in a new town. thank you. there's more. there are. other people in there. in the nightmares. no. different. there are three of them. they're dressed in black. they have powers like freddy, but they seem to be on our side. well, you gotta hang in there with me on this one. they call themselves. the dream police. i guess. they're kids that freddy killed years ago. they don't even know how they got there. but they're somehow patrolling dreamworld to put a stop to krueger. they say they need help. i don't know what or why. yet. hey, i'm trying to save all of us. by then it'll be too late. it was too late for wesley. i know. it's my fault. it's too late for that. i have to stay and try and put a stop to it. i wish i could convince you of the danger you and the others are in. this is worse than anything you can imagine. i'm sorry. so did my mom. she taught me a lot about dreams. she told me that a lot of people have special dream powers. i inherited some from her - and some i have all to myself. she showed me how i could link up with other people's dreams - to actually be inside with them. a little hard to imagine, huh? i can convince you. easy. we're doing it now. i mean we're dreaming. you and me. together. it's true. we're really doing it. we'll compare notes when we wake up. then you'll know. sometimes. it's not as easy as linking up, though. show off. i think i like you the way you always are. karen, no! come on! you heard me. i said wake up! this is a dream! you have to get out of here. i'm not hurting you, only he can really do that! wake up now! are you hurt? if he had done it, you'd be dead. or the right one? that's something else my mom taught me. what the hell is that supposed to mean? you better watch your mouth, pal. go ahead and be a tough guy, scott. krueger will cut you to pieces before you can even flex a muscle. nothing happened between us last night. i'm sorry, but. you don't understand it's a free country. yes, sir. you're supposed to be off-limits to me. wonderful. i'm going to go to bed soon. i have to find the dream police. i think i'm somehow their link to all this. they only seem to appear when i'm around. you woke me up before i had a chance to talk to them last night. your fault. i have to ask them what we're supposed to do to help them. and maybe i can protect gina while i'm in there. he's on his own. i don't mean to be cold,but we've done everything to convince him. gina's too scared to understand. i think freddy will go after her next. you have to stay awake. you have to try. okay. be careful. come on! i'm here to help! no no no no! you let him get away! what. there are rules to all this? the rest? you mean the kids at the home? how? gina! no. it's freddy. you're kicking us out? aw, jesus. if it's still here. nothing. it's over. we're finished. he's won. do what? i'm not doing anything. because we're fucked. the last thing the dream police told me was that they needed all our help. together. even if we weren't about to be split up there aren't enough of us left to make a difference. i don't. but, it's all just too much. i've tried so hard and nothing's worked. i'm spent. i'm wasted. i'm. i'm so tired. and we're not going to waste it. we'll have help. right. fine. you got a deal. and you won't be disappointed. i hope so. then i got to make sure we all end up in springwood. yeah. only right now it's not a very pretty place. play it by ear. and try and stay alive. off we go. i'm home. scott, are you with us? then we wait. all that's left. what's the plan? then let's do it. oh no. mother? krueger. i'm sorry, scott. what! how? then who's going to kill this fucker? how the hell am i supposed to do that? i think i know where. no time. you guys find karen! the feeling is mutual. i told them to look for you. what are you doing here? don't you know what this place is? you've got to get out of here. you don't understand. the police can't kill freddy. they literally chopped each other to pieces and he's still alive! now i'm supposed to figure out how to get rid of him. okay, so he's a bad artist. yeah. but in reality freddy hasn't lived here for decades. all evils from all times in history. but what does this do for us? okay, but we're not going to stand around here to figure out how. it's too dangerous. karen. dream. powers. i'll be back.