free speech. the right of assembly. it's a home. a foster home. for teenagers. it's where you go when things get bad. it's the place to figure out what to do next. it's a home for kids that no one else wants. it's my home. what have we ever done to you? assholes. yeah. thanks. i'm karen. are you okay? then come help me unpack. i guess the sandwich is alright, huh? you're not from around here, are you? do you need a place to stay? what's wrong? this is jacob. they run this house. they're helping me and three other ids get a footing in reality before they kick us out of the nest to make room for the next batch. a little. jacob came to my rescue. jacob's a little down on his luck. i told him he could stay here a few days. just for a little while. so he can get his bearings. thanks, david. hey, guys, i got someone for you to meet. this is jacob. jacob, this is wesley and gina. he's going to be staying with us for a while. hi, scott. this is jacob johnson. he's a new resident. at least temporarily. no, i believe that honor goes to wesley. mellow out, scott. give him a chance to settle in. his dad used to beat him. one day he couldn't take it any more. he killed him with his father's gun. self-defense. yeah. right. why don't you go to bed? you need to talk? she doesn't like to be touched. don't take it personally. it's not her fault. her mother was a hooker. she forced gina to carry on the tradition. when she was thirteen. you look terrible. i'm sorry. i just wish you'd tell me what happened to you, that's all. okay. why don't you sit and rest for a bit. the supervisor's not around. you look like you could use it. how? i don't know. i'm not sure. i guess, i guess i see a lot of me in you. yeah. that must be it. i can't talk about it right now. maybe later. do you want me to stay with you? i'll do my best. where are you going? why? fine. you're just going to take off then. right. you blow into town and then blow right out. terrific. you just don't get it, do you? running away doesn't help. maybe. jacob! jacob, it'll be alright. wes. they said he fell asleep smoking. and how could he. dire that way and not wake up? like him? who are they? where are they from? they're going to use all this to shut us down. you going to try to run away again? i'm sorry. it's all so hard to accept. i've been in danger before. that i can handle. i wouldn't be so sure about that. come on. let's go inside. she was great. loving. supportive, caring - everything a mom should be. except she had one fatal flow: my father. you see, she was raised at a time when they still had the "obey" part in the wedding vows. he was always jealous. she couldn't talk to another man without him thinking she wanted to go to bed with him. he never hit me. but the things he did to her. and she would always just take it. she never fought back. he'd get drunk and. she'd tell people she just fell down or something. then one night. i was thirteen. something happened. my mom suddenly wouldn't take it anymore. something made her say enough is enough. she hit back. tat only made it worse. i watched as he hit her over and over. then he knocked her down the stairs. she broke her neck. and when y father saw what he'd done - he finally became human. he cried over her body for a while, then went into the garage and blew his brains out with a shotgun. to this day i don't remember what that final straw was. the shrinks say i've blocked it out of my memory. there's no one else alive who knows what really happened. i have dreams about it sometimes, but there's always that blank spot. a missing piece. i know nightmares are real, jacob. i know. like what? that sounds wonderful. but. i don't know. yeah. i'm sorry. how? what do you mean? i don't believe it. but what if i'm just dreaming of you telling me that? did you bring us here on purpose? can you go anywhere you want? wow, i never knew. when things get bad it helps to be someone else. i use it to protect myself. look! oh no. why are you doing this? what? how? this is my old house. how did i get here? i think i get it now. you hit me. um. no. you better get back to your room. we don't want anybody to get the wrong idea. get out of here. no. not tonight. i'm telling you, this freddy guy is for real. jacob was in there with me. i have the picture in my room if you want to see it. he brought it out from the nightmare. that picture was destroyed years ago. you should be scared. it's okay. the ross's have gone to a council meeting and scott's in his room. we should be safe for awhile. jacob, what are we going to do? now you want to sleep? i'm sorry. i was scared. what about scott? oh. what should i do? that's not going to be easy. i'm half asleep already. i'd better get out of here. you be careful. i'm not going anywhere. is it an earthquake? they can't do that. no, please. what's going to happen to you? what about it? will we be able to go back to the ross's? will we be together? jacob, what are we going to do? what do you mean, nothing? how can you do this? exactly. after all we've been through you just throw in the towel. why? how do you know that? so you're just going to give up? i'll bet that's something your mother never taught you. scott, we need you. i'm going to be sleeping in the girl's dorm. will you be able to bring me in? what do we do when we get there? scott! you're here. uh-huh. real friendly, too. and i'm in it with you. convinced? nope. i tired that one already. doesn't work. come on, we have to find jacob. jacob! thank god! what now? no more. jacob! you scared the shit out of me! where are the dream police? i do now. look what i found. wait. you have to see this. but i think i found the answer. shut up for a second and look at these. no! you told me krueger's mother committed suicide and no one knows who his father was, right? freddy's been pushing all our buttons with our pasts. these are his past. don't you get it? he was a foster child, too! like you tried to tell me once before, this is a dream. who knows why this is all here. and isn't this where it all started in springwood? on elm street? there's got to be a way to use it against him. no no no no no no no. jacob. oh no. you're not my father. mommy, no! yes. i'm alright. sort of.