hey, beautiful. how's it going? who's barney rubble? he better not be rooming with me. i value my privacy. so what's your story? divorce? custody battle? your parents just plain assholes? just curious. he'll be fine. he just has a problem with cigarettes. it's not my problem. i took care of my problem. that's why i'm here. come on. let's hop to it. gotta make way for those new indoor tennis courts. the fate of the world lies in the balance. okay, this load's full. i don't know. maybe you should think about switching to de-caf or something. i don't get it. is this guy alive or dead? that's because this all rates an eleven on the bullshit meter! i don't know why we have to listen to this crap. you're scaring the hell out of wes here. it doesn't matter. the ross's sleep like rocks, which is what we all should be doing. okay. show me springwood. there's never been a town there. look, jacob. you don't have to convince us that nightmares are real. everybody in this room has been through one. and some of us are still living it. but the thing is, we know it's just in our heads now. it can be just as bad as the real thing was, but it's still only a memory. it can't hurt us physically, unless we do the hurting ourselves. but this is just too hard to believe. that's impossible. he fucking burned alive. and we all know that can't be. don't start with that shit. he would never touch a cigarette. you know that. and that dream was real? aw, man. i'm sorry. i just can't buy into this. you are crazy. this is too much. then why haven't these guys done the job already? i can tell you who needs help. i won't believe it until i see it. and i'm telling you a dream is a dream. and where else was he with you last night? or from your hope chest. i bet your bed isn't the only thing he's been into. i'm the last person you want to start fucking with. join the fun. jacob and karen were just telling us about their new excuse to sleep together. you mean in plain old reality, right? what's going to happen to us? are we considered suspects? great. looks like your hero just gave up. look, i don't know what's going on anymore. two of my friends die and now you tell me i have to drop into dreamland with you guys to do battle with the dude that did it. ah, yes. i almost forgot. the sleepy squad. alright. i'll make you a deal. i told you i wouldn't believe this stuff unless i saw it. if i understand this correctly, all i have to do is fall asleep and you just whisk me into the action. okay. if that happens, if both of you show up in my dream, i'll help you out. if nothing happens, then i'll get a good night's sleep and laugh at you in the morning. the old stomping ground? into the wild black yonder. freddy krueger. yeah, right. years ago some sicko gets fried and now he comes back to stick it to you when you're snoozing. stupid bedtime story. oh, this is lovely. yeah, what? um, well, let me see. yeah. fun town. talk to any of the neighbors, yet? they're a swell bunch of folks. so this is a dream? maybe i'm just dreaming bout being here with you. wouldn't be the first time. so this is the place, huh? a deal's a deal. whoa! we can always come back later. like when it's daytime. terrific. we're supposed to be bait. ah, that's okay. i think i'm underage, anyway. no, really. i'm driving. that's okay. i'll just sit at the bar. you bet. you'll be the first to know. um, a beer, i guess. and that's all? so you're the man. what's on your mind? a deal's what got me into this. what's in it for me? leave my father out of this. after you make it look like this? alive? okay. no thanks. i trust you. mayor of rosedale. eat shit.