gavin taylor's one of the best tv writers out there. every network would kill to work with him. you're shooting a pilot. i just don't know if you need the cold open. people want to get right to the story. could we be more clear why mary is so freaked out at that moment? i know. but that's roger's big thing this season. never let the audience be confused. he can't see you. did you have a chance to look at the cards yet? people write stuff on the cards they won't say in a focus group. they get more specific. roger has this advice i always remember. forget about anyone who scores you in the twos and threes. they'll never like your show. instead, look for the nines. they're the one who think your show is almost the best thing they've ever seen. they get your vision. they just want it to be even better. so you'll look at the cards? sometimes the numbers point things out that you don't want to admit to yourself. in this case, melissa. her overall scores were okay. but if you look at the people who scored the show highest, the one consistent dip was melissa. true. that's one of the challenges with a premise pilot. of course. roger is your biggest cheerleader. roger calls the shots. true. they haven't seen it. they're watching all the pilots on friday. because she's the biggest concern. no, you're the biggest star. roger made a huge deal with you, and he went along with casting melissa when that wasn't his instinct. meet with someone. dahlia salem. the network has a holding deal with her. it's dead. it's dying. but the network loves dahlia. so if she could jump over to your show. roger would pay for it. it's about getting your show on the air. that's all that matters in the end. roger's on a flight to london. but i talked with him before he left. he said yes on dahlia. it means yes. he wants your show on the air, starring dahlia. i just got off the phone with her agents. they love it. she loves you. you want me to call her agents? upfronts is the week each year when the networks present their fall schedule to advertisers. the schedule is a secret until it's announced, so everything is still in play. right now, the whole schedule's in flux. you get these missives from roger and the higher powers. but you're not sure what they add up to. right now, i can't say for certain whether knowing will end up on the schedule at all. i'm at the uta party. yeah. did you hear about ricky's assistant? she literally shat herself. no, i saw it. i'll call you back. roger wanted to talk to you personally. they're only picking up two dramas. you can go mid-season. wow. you think i deliberately sabotaged your show. g., i'm on your side. trust me, i'm the only one who is trying to protect you. you want a motive? this isn't "crime lab." no one got murdered. i had to get you away from her. she was holding you back. you had to give her up. c'mon, g. if she really mattered, you couldn't have betrayed her so easily. what, you're the victim? the big creator can't stand up to one little d-girl? it was your choice. i didn't make you do anything. i mean, do you have any principles? do you believe in anything but your own ego? your dialogue used to be sharper. maybe gatins could do a polish. is that all there is? do you feel like a man? because i'll tell you a secret. you're not. i had to get you away from her. she was holding you back. you had to give her up. do you feel like a man? you're not.