good evening, ninotchka. no, the opera starts an hour later tonight on account of the parade. they didn't let me. i am in disgrace. last week at the performance of carmen i played a sour note. the conductor got so excited he yelled, "there's sabotage in the string section!" i know. my heart is sad. but my feet are happy. when all the tanks and guns were roaring over the red square i sat here all by myself and played a beethoven sonata. not bad at all. are you expecting someone? what are you serving? an omelet! aren't you living a little above your ration? it just goes to prove the theory of our state. if you stand alone it means a boiled egg but if you're true to the collective spirit and stick together you've got an omelet. that reminds me. have you heard the latest they're telling about the kremlin? i'll tell you later. that gurganov, you never know whether he's on his way to the washroom or the secret police. and you too, ninotchka. ever since you have been back from paris. that's just it. it makes people feel queer. i dont' want you to get in any trouble. you should. i'll show you. when i passed through the laundry yard today i saw all the women huddled around this so i brought it up here. things like this create a bad feeling. first they didn't know whose it was. then they saw the paris label and did it start a commotion! some said it's what we all ought to wear and others said it's like hanging foreign ideas on our clothesline. it undermines our whole cause. you know how it is today. all you have to do is wear a pair of silk stockings and they suspect you of counter-revolution. ninotchka, you know i am your friend, you can trust me. did you bring back anything else? tell me. what else did you have? what was it like? as beautiful as that? what else? come, tell me. evening gown? what do you wear in the morning? you mean to tell me you wear a different dress for different times of the day? now, ninotchka, you're exaggerating. and there? they must have wonderful materials to make a thing like this so soft. something you don't even see. ninotchka, i wouldn't bring this up if we weren't such good friends. you know i told you that pavlov and i are going to get married when he comes back from the maneuvers. would it be asking too much. just for the honeymoon. ninotchka! ninotchka! am i going to play that cadenza tonight!