no, no. just a minute -- just a minute -- i have nothing against the idea but i still say let's go back to the hotel terminus. moscow made our reservations there, we are on an official mission, and we have no right to change the orders of our superior. i don't want to go to siberia. i still say our place is with the common people, but who am i to contradict lenin? let's go in. i am comrade buljanoff. may i ask how much your rooms are? why should you be afraid? he's always afraid. royal suite! just a minute. now comrades, i warn you. if it gets out in moscow that we stay in the royal suite we will get into terrible trouble. of course, we could take out the pieces and distribute them in three or four boxes in the vault and take a small room. that's an idea, isn't it? give us the royal suite. they accumulate millions by taking loss after loss. hello. this is buljanoff, iranoff, and kopalski. who?. count d'algout?. no, no. it must be a mistake. we can't be disturbed. but what can we do?. we have to accept. all right, let's uphold it for another ten minutes. you think because you represent the former duchess. the former duchess! not that we are giving in one inch, but tell us. what is in your mind? leon. leonitchka. why are you so good to us? he's a bad man. sends people to siberia! we like you, leon -- don't we like leon? oh, why are you so good to us? and little lady beatrice? who wants to write home about it? possibly. black tie or white tie? certainly! nice people. misha! misha! a telegram from moscow! it must have been here all day! it's six o'clock already! yes, he looks like a comrade! positively not! how are things in moscow? this is the apartment we have reserved for you, comrade yakushova. i hope you like it. we had to take it on account of the safe. which lawyer? we didn't want to get mixed up with lawyers. they are very expensive here. if you just say hello to a lawyer. well, there goes another cow. yes, comrade? with two f's, if you please. is there anything i can do, comrade? yes, comrade. that's her. once in petersburg i was driving down the nevsky prospect in my cart and her highness in her troika swept down from the opposite direction, and when i couldn't make way quick enough she spat in my face. and leonitchka! what she said about us! what do you mean they might -- they will! didn't we put up a strong resistance? or it might be the firing squad! yes! we could stay with leon! well, if your mother turns against you, you have to look for someone to adopt you. there's something else which i know will appeal to you. a visit to the paris sewers. they tell me it is extremely instructive. imagine, for once in our lives we were in paris and we never went to the eiffel tower. you know what they say -- there's nothing like home. let's be happy that we're all alive. i can tell you exactly. that's right. i think i need my glasses. how nicely you've fixed the table, ninotchka. how many families live here with you? just see how happy the people look. from here. that's another thing. it's spring. it is, ninotchka! it is! he must have been in paris! you can see it in his whole attitude! he just picked up a crumb of our black bread, shook his head, and dropped it. i should be a swallow! right now i would be sitting in front of the caf de paris picking up flakes of french pastry that would melt in my bill. and if it is too late for you your children will eat it. comrades. i'm out of the omelet. des raisins de madre, des framboises. and the surprise is there's nothing in it. they can't censor our memories, can they? it is high time you got out of russia. good old razinin! is he still alive? how does he manage? imagine, we don't have to whisper any longer. no, that's bad management. don't ask for it, ninotchka. there is a turkish proverb which says, "if something smells bad, why put your nose in it?" with our cream situation what it is, it is russia which should apologize to the cats. all you have to do is say "open sesame." shall we tell her? ninotchka, i hope you'll be our guest. we have opened a restaurant. we are not only serving good food, we are serving our country. we are making friends. it may step out of a bazaar. it may wait for you in a corridor. it may hide in the shadow of a minaret.