comrades, why should we lie to each other? it's wonderful. they tell me when you ring once the valet comes in; when you ring twice you get the waiter; and do you know what happens when you ring three times? a maid comes in -- a french maid. are you the buljanoff who fought on the barricades? and now you are afraid to take a room with a bath? if lenin were alive he would say, "buljanoff, comrade, for once in your life you're in paris. don't be a fool. go in there and ring three times." are you the manager? pardon me for introducing comrade iranoff, member of the russian board of trade. i want to speak with monsieur mercier personally. hello, monsieur mercier? this is kopalski of the russian board of trade. we arrived this morning. thank you. but, monsieur mercier. we can wait. just a minute. comrades! comrades! don't let's give in so quickly. after all we have to uphold the prestige of russia. now, monsieur, you have no right. these may have been the jewels of the duchess swana, but, like all private property, they were confiscated by the state. we can call our ambassador. we may have a chance. we haven't anything to discuss with you. we'll talk to a lawyer! soviet russia will put all its might behind this case. yes, leon. oh, leon, you are so good. you wouldn't like razinin. if we say that, leon. we'll be sent to siberia! and how is lord lavenham? are we free, buljanoff? halt negotiations immediately. envoy extraordinary arrives thursday six ten with full power. your authority cancelled herewith. razinin. i always said it would be siberia! how can you find somebody without knowing what he looks like? no, that's not him. if we had known we would have greeted you with flowers. he is a porter. he wants to carry them. allow me, comrade. it's a hat, comrade, a woman's hat. we did our best, comrade. we dealt directly with the representative of the grand duchess. i am sure if we call him he will give you a very clear picture. we did it with the best intentions. yes, comrade. we want to talk to count d'algout. my name is kopalski. yes. imagine! the niece of the czar opening the door for us. leon, leonitchka, she is not going to negotiate! she is going to fight that injunction. she's going to make a precedent of it! we don't blame you, leon, but when we came from russia we believed in simplicity. she doesn't leave her room! she has been locked in for the last two days with lawyers and law books! we can't. but you are so ingenious, leon. you must help us, leon. if you don't win her over we're on our way to siberia! or we can't go back to russia! i acted on your suggestion and got in touch with the power and light authorities. whenever you want to visit their plants they are open to you. if there is anything we can do for you. that's right. while you eat, you look at the view. well, we're back home. if you hadn't given commissar razinin such a wonderful report about us, who knows what would have happened? it's a real paris reunion. a little more tact. look how nicely she's fixed the table -- all for us. and your own gas cooker? that's marvelous! naturally it's not the royal suite. yes, there's no doubt of that. just look out of the window and there it is. can you blame them?. at least the may day parade is over. even the swallows are back. if you asked him why he left france i bet he couldn't name one good reason. yes, a good piece of apfel strudel. that's right. here's my egg. let's fill it with confitures, des prunes. so it blows up that big. what they call an omelette surprise! i know, but if we can't put in all these wonderful things at least let's put in some imagination. in that one omelet we'll taste the whole of paris! a bill? well, i think it's getting late. good night, ninotchka. how do you like it, ninotchka? isn't it wonderful? that's our old ninotchka! we are not comrades any more. we are friends, ninotchka. and kopalski. ninotchka, we are in the magic east, the country of aladdin and his lamp. don't call it desertion. our little restaurant. that is our russia. the russia of borscht, the russia of beef stroganoff, blinis with sour cream. there's something in constantinople. something irresistible. right now it's on the balcony.