very good. superb. excellent. it would be foolish to belittle the quality of the merchandise but your terms are impossible. my counteroffer is the absolute maximum. gentlemen, i'll let you in on a little secret. we are only undertaking this deal for the prestige involved, and, quite frankly, we are expecting to take a loss. i assure you no one else could meet the figure named by my syndicate. at least under the present economic conditions. yes. gentlemen. let's put our cards face down. right now there is a russian commission in new york trying to sell fifteen rembrandts. there is another in london mortgaging the oil fields in baku. you need money and you need it quickly. i think my offer is fair and does not even take advantage of your situation. oh, yes, yes. thank you. gentlemen, this introduces a new element into our negotiations. until this claim is completely settled. please try to understand my position. i am not with-drawing. my offer stands and as soon as you produce a clear title, approved by the french courts, the deal is settled. until then, good day. on the contrary. i consider myself very lucky. good day.