good morning, comrade. does this include the products of the far eastern provinces? you mean you have finished the whole investigation? that's marvelous. you must have worked day and night. don't you ever sleep? well, comrade, i am afraid you will have to turn over that work to someone else. please. sit down. cigarette? well, comrade, have you heard from your friends kopalski, buljanoff, and iranoff? i haven't either, but i've heard about them. you must realize it was only on the strength of your paris report that i sent them to constantinople; without that i never would have trusted them on a mission as important as the fur deal. as soon as our representatives go to a foreign country they seem to lose all sense of balance. if i told you what's going on in constantinople right now you wouldn't believe it. those three have been sitting there for six weeks and haven't sold a piece of fur. this anonymous report was sent me. they are dragging the good name of our country through every caf and night club. here. "how can the bolshevik cause gain respect among the moslems if your three representatives, buljanoff, iranoff, and kopalski, get so drunk that they throw a carpet out of their hotel window and complain to the management that it didn't fly?" it gives details which couldn't be invented. naturally i want to verify it and that's why i need you. yes. leaving immediately. that is for me to decide, comrade yakushova. i don't understand. please don't waste my time, comrade. do your duty. good-by.