i'm sorry i'm so late. bollocksed up at work again, i fear. millions down the drain. hello, anna. delighted to meet you. honey bunny -- happy birthday to you. it's a hat. you don't have to wear it or anything. so tell me anna -- what do you do? splendid. i'm actually in the stock- market, so not really similar fields, though i have done some amateur stuff -- p.g. wodehouse, you know -- farce, all that. 'ooh -- careful there, vicar.' always imagined it's a pretty tough job, though, acting. i mean the wages are a scandal, aren't they? i see friends from university -- clever chaps -- been in the business longer than you -- they're scraping by on seven, eight thousand a year. it's no life. what sort of acting do you do? oh splendid. well done. how's the pay in movies? i mean, last film you did, what did you get paid? right. right. so that's. fairly good. on the high side. have you tried the nuts? anna scott? the movie star? oh god. oh god. oh goddy god. shame! well, obviously it's me, isn't it -- i work in the city in a job i don't understand and everyone keeps getting promoted above me. i haven't had a girlfriends since. puberty and, well, the long and short of it is, nobody fancies me, and if these cheeks get any chubbier, they never will. no. not true. love your work. get fired. yes, they're shifting the whole outfit much more towards the trading side -- and of course. i was total crap. but she said she wanted to go out with you? that's nice. well, you know, anybody saying they want to go out with you is. pretty great. isn't it. and we intend to use them! or you could go right down to cromwell road, and left. bloody hell, this is fun. we have lift off!!