shall i go get a cappuccino? ease the pain. cappuccino as ordered. who? someone famous? would be exciting if someone famous did come into the shop though, wouldn't it? do you know -- this is pretty incredible actually -- i once saw ringo starr. or at least i think it was ringo. it might have been that broke from 'fiddler on the roof,' toppy. that's right -- topol. no, well. he was quite a long way away. i suppose so. not classic, no. yes. no, wait -- let's go crazy -- i'll have an orange juice. can i help you? i have to disturb you when you're cooking the books, but there's a delivery. but it's not for the shop. it's for you. excuse me -- it's your mother on the phone. i actually tried that tack -- but she said you said that before and it's been twenty-four hours, and her foot that was purple is now a sort of blackish color. can i just say, i thought 'ghost' was a wonderful film. yes. i've always wondered what patrick swayze is like in real life. oh dear. he wasn't friendly during the filming? oh right. right. sorry. always been a bit of an ass. anyway. it's lovely to meet you. i'm a great fan of yours. and demi's, of course.