even he. hey, you couldn't help me with an incredibly important decision, could you? that's right -- i'm at last going out on a date with the great janine and i just want to be sure i've picked the right t-shirt. well. wait for it. first there's this one. point taken. i suspect you'll prefer the next one. cool, huh? wouldn't want that. okay -- just one more. thanks. great. wish me luck. hi. i'm just going to go into the kitchen to get some food -- and then i'm going to tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins. there's something wrong with this yogurt. well, there you go. on for a video fest tonight? i've got some absolute classic. imagine -- somewhere in the world there's a man who's allowed to kiss her. hey. ahm -- combination of factors really. no clean clothes. right. vicious circle. and then i was like rooting around in your things, and found this, and i thought -- cool. kind of spacey. there's something wrong with the goggles though. groovy. you should do more of this stuff. yeh, i wrote a couple down. you want me to write down all your messages? ahm let's see -- ahm. no. gone completely. oh no, wait. there was -- one from your mum: she said don't forget lunch and her leg's hurting again. absolutely not. though if we're going for this obsessive writing-down-all-messages thing -- some american girl called anna called a few days ago. well, it was genuinely bizarre. she said, hi -- it's anna -- and then she said, call me at the ritz -- and then gave herself a completely different name. absolutely no idea. remembering one name's bad enough. try 'flintstone.' i think she said her name was 'flintstone.' no, 'fraid not. that's compared to, like, earthquakes in the far east or testicular cancer? you're welcome. did you find them? come on -- open up -- this is me -- spikey -- i'm in contact with some quite important spiritual vibrations. what's wrong? aha! i'd been getting a female vibe. good. speak on, dear friend. yeh. yeh. tricky. tricky. i knew a girl at school called pandora . never got to see her box though. christ alive. brilliant. fantastic . magnificent. just checking. thank you, god. voila. carnival calypso, for the queen of notting hill -- pepperoni, pineapple and a little more pepperoni. i have some parsnip stew from last week. if i just peel the skin off, it'll be perfect. hello. i wonder if i could have a little word. i don't want to interfere, or anything . but she's split up from her boy- friend, that's right isn't it? and she's in your house. and you get on very well. well, isn't this perhaps a good opportunity to. slip her one? right. right. you think it's the wrong moment. fair enough. do you mind if i have a go? no -- you're right. okay -- okay. might be too late, but okay. morning, daring ones. why not? how did i look? not bad. no bad at all. well-chosen briefs, i'd say. chicks love grey. mmmmm. nice firm buttocks. i went out in my goddamn underwear too. looks like a chauffeur to me. what he's going to say next is -- there are people starving in the sudan. i suppose i might have told one or two people down the pub. me? well, yes. groovy. what's going on? no. you can't bin these. they're classics. i'm not allowing this. let me help. we don't want all this shit cluttering up our lives. i was called and i came. what's up? you daft prick! bugger this for a bunch of bananas. go! what happened?