you're a hundred percent right. they rely on what's-his-name's arm too much. bourbon, little water, thank you. wesley. your wife's a very lovely woman. have i seen her before? oh, yes, with the coffee. i like this. i like doing business in the home. it's cozy. who's birthday? if we're for real? we appreciate that. but you just poured me a drink, i'd like to enjoy your hospitality for a few minutes. it's a nice place you got here. real comfortable. sweet little town, fair oaks. you like it here? what do you mean? could you give us an example? i'm asking you for an example of one of these dumb fucks being a dumb fuck. you're not a dumb fuck, are you, del? i didn't think so. so, give me an example of a stupid person doing a stupid thing. not being stupid, you're equipped to recognize it. i'm just curious. can't you give me an example? hmmmm. "five stars," huh? that's what i thought. you better give me another example. you did not just say "injuns," del. like what? let's see. around here that would be kiowa, kickapoo or osage, if i'm not mistaken. well, my idea of stupid is very different from yours. i'm gonna talk to you and when i'm finished, you can answer. but i don't like being interrupted. now roll them into a ball. and put them in your mouth. now i'm gonna tell you what stupid is. stupid is taking something that doesn't belong to you. right wesley? stupid is trying to sell it to other people who are, by their very nature, untrustworthy. stupid is calling people in kansas city who are affiliated with the rightful owners of the thing you stole, and trying to sell it to them. right wesley? so you see, we have totally different ideas of what's stupid and what's not. don't we? it wasn't always fatal, wesley. we could scalp del right now, and he'd be plenty alive to tell us how it feels. it's pretty simple, too. now. i want to know the particulars of your stupid act: how you got what doesn't belong to you, who helped you get it, and of course, where it is now. consider yourself lucky. luckier than those 'injuns' you have such contempt for. jesus christ!!! are you out of your mind? you scalped him! that was to get him to talk! this is great - just great! now we don't know where the goddamn stuff is. we don't know which buick, do we? i had to shoot him! it was the only decent thing to do. i saw his soul wesley. he was face to face with his god, and no one lies in that situation. but your geronimo act rattled me, and i abandoned my instincts. what 'look'? i wasn't done, i was just sick of hearing him whine. and you didn't take him out, you scalped him. christ, i almost puked, did i tell you that? what the hell does that mean? if i'd told a ty cobb story would you have clubbed him to death with a bat? why not, it'll confuse 'em. gotta do something, now that you fucked it up. let me tell you something. in our business you can't put food on the table if your phone doesn't ring. the guys who get the calls are good - not flashy, just good. they get in, they get out. nobody knows a goddamn thing. understand? boom, boom, boom. three in the head and you know they're dead. fine, i'll get you a bumpersticker, but you better start believing it! it's the only statement you need to make. mmmm. well, it was a piece of luck running into you, duane. i thought i was what part of dixie are you from, duane? i'm a yankee, myself. massachusetts. you know, it's interesting. the south lost the civil war, but they still seem to get all the glory. jeb stuart, stonewall jackson, jefferson davis - they're all losers in my book. even robert e. lee was a loser. did you know the most brutal, inhumane prison of the entire war was in georgia? andersonville. so, at a rest stop outside logansport you noticed that two guys were slipping something extra in one of your cars, and you decided to see what it was. then you figured you'd take this valuable commodity and go into business yourself, even though it didn't belong to you. but you needed a crackerjack salesman to move it, so you made the biggest mistake of your short life and chose del. sound right so far? exactly. ohhh . there weren't four, were there? you know you're going to die, don't you, duane? and you really don't know where that other lesabre is, do you? wait. any last words, general lee? god, i admire that. ya see that, wesley? that's why they get all the glory. come on, wesley, three shots. you have to rise above it. the professionals rise above that kind of thing. we don't. but a '97 le sabre'll be easy to find if it's here, town this size. i hope you're right. she got out of town awfully fast. and wasn't she quiet in that house? i think most women would have screamed, don't you? i know they would've. and how long did she work here? hmm. you two in high school together? but she wanted more out of life, right? i see. may i? thank you for your cooperation. so she gets rid of the asshole and is set for life in the same day. joyce was screwing del. i'd say that about torches her credibility, wouldn't you? maybe. yes? sorry, you've got the wrong number. no, i see betty as a midwestern stoic type. ice water in her veins. a clear thinker. probably a swede or a finn. you should read more. listen to me. i think this woman was waiting for a chance to do this, and we gave it to her. she kept to herself for years, living with a pompous asshole. then she sees her opportunity, and boom! - she leaves that little mudpatch in the dust. these heartlanders can't figure it out, 'cause that's not their sweet little betty. hah! we've been tracking her for, what, three days and i already understand her better'n most the people in that shitty little burg. oh, for chrissakes. it just means the kind of person who can eat shit for a long time without complaining, then cut their momma's throat and go dancing the same night. no,. like a worthy adversary, wesley. like a very worthy adversary. very graceful. perfect form. wise beyond her years, i'm sure, and such poise, too. very, very impressive. what do you mean? mrs. blaine? i can tell you right now, without a doubt, that your granddaughter is alive, and did not kill del sizemore. my partner's still young, mr. blaine, and he loves his job. he'd like to kill all the criminals himself! it's not an exact science, wesley. he said they'll be here. my houston contact has always been very reliable. you're always so coarse. "do her right here." let's just see what happens, okay? "i wish that i could find a way; to speak my thoughts on mother's day. there are no words that quite express; my gratitude or happiness. a pleasant smile perhaps a kiss; i would not fail to give her this. i'd make her glad the whole day through; by sayin' 'mother', i love you!' p.s. i wish i could say this to my mother's face, but i can't anymore." wait, wait a minute. we have a major miscommunication here. this not betty. this is not even close to betty. then i'm sorry. wrong betty. betty would never dress like that. she's not some trailer park slut! and she doesn't have a sewer for a mouth. she's got class, and poise. lots of poise. no, we don't know where she is. i understand. no, we'll find her. they said find it. find her, find it. finish the job you were paid to do. what? there it is again. that lousy attitude that got us here in the first place. that "make a statement," do an end zone dance, shake your ass and sue everybody in sight attitude that's dragging this whole country down the drain. and turn that fucking music off! well, i should be in florida now! if carl hadn't gone in to get those stones removed, you wouldn't be here and i'd be on my way to the keys. on my boat, relaxing with a glass of port!! re-ti red! see, in a lesabre betty's probably getting twenty-two, maybe twenty-five miles to the gallon, where we're topping out at fifteen. that was a really shitty thing to do. don't talk like that. she's my last one, wesley, my final target. don't you realize your special, that you represent something? i dunno. something. how'd they describe her? not so fast! slower. 'blonde, thin', yes. did they say she had style? a kind of grace or anything? we should go. it's a very moving experience, trust me. one of the seven natural wonders of the world. what difference does it make? she wasn't in kansas city, or houston, or dallas. we "when i grow up i'm going to become a nurse or a veterinarian. i always want to help people and value all life, be it animal, plant or mineral" does that sound like a goddamn showgirl to you? every american should see the grand canyon. are you an american? if you don't take the next turn for the canyon, i'm blowing my goddamn brains all over this car. you don't know what you're missing, asshole. where? where is she? what? wesley, i'm fine. just tell me where she is. this doesn't look like the kind of place betty would go to. be careful with that! we're looking for this young lady. you haven't been very forthcoming with us. what's your name, dear? that's a nice name. so you believed the bartender. why? that's good. you're learning. but let me tell you why i know she was lying. no, no, betty came here strictly for business, 'cause it's the biggest market for what she's selling. i should have known it all along. i'm kicking myself as i shave here. so, first thing we. what doesn't? i never said that i believed. 'cause i just don't buy it. call it instinct. call it 35 years of professional know-how. you need to remember who you're talking to. wesley. boy, you need to get outta my face. now! you got a feeling, then you do what you gotta do, but don't you ever try to tell me my job. not ever. betty sizemore, she's got ten kilos. blonde hair, a great figure. sort of a whole doris day thing going on. that's what i said-- doris day. you could see her working at the u.n., or something. 'the u.n.' "united nations." forget it. who's this? it just didn't fit her profile. she can't be here because of a. a soap opera. not a soap opera. that'd make her. but she's, no, betty's smarter than that. she wouldn't be here for a. don't don't you talk about betty like that. i don't care who she ends up being, you never use that word again. got it? i said 'got it?' you made your point. i was wrong. how do you do, mr. mccord. we're trying to locate a deranged fan of yours,. a ms. betty. thanks so much. you must get bothered by this kind of thing a lot. no, that should be more than-- well, you were right about what that bartender said. what do your instincts tell you to do now, kid? we could do that. i could be on my way to florida, and you could go to thailand and fuck your brains out. no. if we don't finish this job, how are we gonna look at ourselves in the mirror? this is it for me, wesley, she's the last one. my instinct says i gotta see this through with her, and if there's one thing i've tried to teach you here-- no, i said to follow 'my' instincts. now, we go up there and conclude our business. case closed. i'm detective jefferson-- we'll do what we can. where is she? we meet again. get rid of them. you understand? two thousand miles? that's nothing! oh, this is wonderful. no, just stand there. lemme look at you a minute. do you know why i'm here? you really. didn't have anything to do with what del was doing, did you? so you weren't involved with him in his pathetic attempt to diversify? were you mixed up in the drugs, betty? damn, life is strange. i had you figured for this cold-blooded, calculating bitch-- not that i didn't admire you for it. to see you. i never meet people like you. i'm a garbageman of the human conditon. i deal with trash, mostly, people willing to trade any part of themselves for a few more minutes of their rotten lives. but you. you're different. sure. you could probably have any thing you wanted. somebody as beautiful and stylish as yourself, and you don't even realize it. wait. let me get this out. i like the symphony, walks in the rain, sunsets, animals and children. i read passionately, and i like to discuss things. i'm basically conservative, but flexible. i've been involved in the death of thirty-two people, but i can live with that because the world is lighter by thirty-two pieces of shit, excuse my language. well, thirty-three, but i'm not counting del, on account of you. so, what do you think? no one is, honey. here, listen to this. "if who i am and who i hope to be should meet one day, i know they will be friends." now that's beautiful. i know. i borrowed it from your grandparents because i. i. it doesn't matter. don't worry, they're fine. look, i used to feel that same way, said practically those same words, sitting at night in a foxhole in korea. yes, but i'd sort of like to put that behind me now. wesley??! oh, christ, they shot my boy! you're sorry? you're the reason we're here! oh shit. if we went out that window right now we'd have a chance. wait, betty. you still haven't answered me. ahh, it's too late, anyway. it's too late. betty, i don't wanna shrivel up alone in some stinking prison. no way. i've got some professional pride. and i don't want anybody else to get the credit for taking me out. when a roman general knew a battle was lost, he'd throw himself on his sword. so all this. really was because of that soap opera? my son is dead because you came out here to be with that doctor? a fake doctor? wesley didn't even want to come up here. he warned me, but i insisted. i want you to listen to me, betty. people don't lie when they're about to die.