whoa, whoa, whoa! hang on a second there, baby. why do you need one of the new buicks? i ran back in to get the phone. what's so special about it? nothing. it's, ahh, busy here. look, you don't need a lesabre to go out with sue ann. take the blue corsica. i'll see you when i get home. shit! joyce, open the damn gate, will you?! no, i do not want any goddamn. what was all that shit on the phone about the new buicks? she's not comfortable in a corsica? 's got air and leather. all right, then. actually, i'm glad you're going out. i got something going on tonight. some serious clients, with real potential. what? hey, the fda screwed me on that when they changed the law, and you know it! well, then you ain't got much. couple 'a guys in from outta town. they want to see the new lesabres. they're new to us. that is a skill! you can have the best damn running backs in the world, somebody's still gotta block for 'em. my apologies, gentlemen. i asked my wife to straighten this shit up before she went out. now, what can i get you gentlemen to drink? you got it. if you ate at the tip top you did. yep, betty pours a pretty mean cup. ahh. my wife's. huh? oh, umm, a car. all right gentlemen, let's get down to it. i need to know if you're for real. you don't exactly look like drug dealers. yeah, well, i don't have time to screw around. i got buyers in dallas, houston and vegas who are ready to snap this stuff up. fine. you got five. are you kidding me? what's to like? it is, if you like idiots. it's a small town, man. i never should have left omaha. people here think you better believe it. of what? i don't follow. no. are we gonna do business here, or not? all right . lemme see . okay, new burger king opens up. these assholes get excited and start lining up. like it's some five star restaurant. the place is mobbed. right? this is bullshit, can we get down to business here, please? jesus christ! okay, uh. the, umm, injuns're stupid. the indians, injuns, whatever. they're always drunk and doing stupid things. driving their cars into trees. puking on the sidewalk. stupid shit! i. i don't know. my socks? oh, jesus, please. please, god. it's in the buick! i swear to god it's all there! please don't kill me!!! i got it from a truck driver named duane cooley, out of amarillo. he brings my cars down from detroit. but i haven't touched it, i swear to you. please! please! please! what the hell are you doing here? you're not on that soap opera thing again, are you? 'cause you know what that is? that's right. so, if you know it, why are you in trouble? you sure don't. who do you think you are coming to hollywood, anyway? you should remember where you came from. and who you really are.