do i know you from? i take it i should. i'm sorry. i beg your pardon? that's very kind of you. no, wait. what happened next, betty? oh, you mean fred. right, del. del was one hot salesman. of cars. he could talk anyone into anything. honey, i didn't want to tell you at the time, but del and i go way back. we went to school together. in fact, he saved my life. two more minutes in that icy water and i would have drowned. but del jumped in and grabbed me. we fell out of touch eventually, but i still owe him one. i can't tell you how much it hurts me to hear that you married him. i tried to tell myself it was for the best, that there was a reason behind it. but. del? you never gave us a chance. hey, don't. come on, i was just. you're not really crying, are you?. i was just playing along. i don't know. why do you keep calling me george? right, uhh. i feel terrible about this, we have a prior engagement at another party. i guess we all did. you know, i didn't marry leslie because i loved her. i married her to forget you. you're late, eric. sorry. she thinks you're someone else. yes, she is. she's a good person to know. alright, okay. i think you broke the record for staying in character about three hours ago. what happened when you were twelve? wow . you just gave me goosebumps, you know that? you make it all sound so real. great improv. i know. listen, we need to take a time out here. can we talk seriously for a minute? at last! i know how much you want this. you're gifted and extremely determined, but . it's not up to me. she makes me stretch! i got inside my character last night like i haven't done in six years on "reason". it was a totally rejuvenating experience. she's even taken a job as a nurse! can i have an evil twin? oh, of course. who can forget the emmy? i'll tell the cast ahead of time. what do you say? it'll be like live television! let's live on the edge a little. you and i can break the mold here! fine, but promise me one thing. if we use her, i want to direct those episodes. she's my discovery. hmm? yeah. you must be rosa. i've heard so much about you. i'm george mccord. what? i don't think your friend likes me. well, first i thought patina, and then the ivy, but then i thought of somewhere a little more romantic. like my place. god, i haven't felt like this since i was with stella adler in new york. you're so. real. didn't i? i've never met anyone like you, betty. no, i mean your dedication scares me. yeah, i felt that way, too, when i first started, but now. the hours, the repetition. it's not all glamour and mall openings anymore. maybe i should've listened to my people and tried to make the crossover to nights earlier, i don't know. thanks. but i'd like to hear what you're feeling. you know, i almost believe that. you're like a warm breeze that's suddenly blown into my life. i said that to leslie, once, at her funeral, remember?. yes. maybe it was. just a little further. come on. that's cute. listen, you got the part, and i'm directing. you've only got four lines today, so i thought i'd just spring it on you. no blocking or anything, just stand near the nurse's station. we're gonna do a quick walk-through. alright? traffic was terrible. your lines'll are in the script, but you can ad lib. in fact, i want you to ad lib, that's the magic i'm after. i wanna give a whole new feel to the show. just do what you've been doing. watch the scene and on your cue take off from there. betty? betty, i thought this would be the best way. you know, throw you into it. if you need a minute, that's okay. but i thought you'd want to-- stop calling me david. we're on set, for christ's sake, you don't have to call me david here. why am i doing this to you? isn't this what you wanted? no! no problem, there is no. what is the problem? just do that. thing. you do! come on! you drove me nuts with this for three days, now do it! no! let me try this! let me try this, goddamnit! she's been doing it all week, she can do it now! well, i don't know what you had in mind, but i hope you're happy. i put myself on the line for you, my reputation, and you're making me look like an idiot. who put you up to this? did my ex-wife ask you to? stop calling me that! my name is not david, and if you really don't know the difference, you're more fucked up than i thought you were! shut the fuck up!! you're a fucking grip, go grip something!!! and you're not an actress, you're nothing but a soap opera groupie, aren't you? you have nothing better to do! do you?? well, why don't you get a fucking life, and stop ruining mine! what? what did you call me? but i'm david. i mean, i'm not david, but she thinks i am! you heard her. stop staring at me. i'm not crazy, she is! you're doing this now? after all the. are you sick? are you going to kill me now? what?! what can i do for you, gentlemen? deranged. that would be the right word. more than you know. is there anything else? good. you thought wrong. it never is. i don't think she can do it. you saw what happened. what about me? don't you wanna know how i feel about it? i'm the one who. that's not a bad idea. how many episodes before he comes back? i'm sorry for what i did. it was inexcusable. i'm sorry for the things i said, and for not respecting you, and for all the stupid things that. look, i don't really like the whole idea of autographs, and i'm kind of in the middle of. oh. of course. sorry. right. i was. i was an idiot, plain and simple, and i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. how's that? i have. did it sound that bad? george. thanks. no, that's. okay. fair enough. 82: i'll give you something to lose yourself in. excuse me, miss? you wanna try some turkey bacon on that? go on now. so, call me when you-- what was that? how's things at the tip top? so, del get that car he sold you up and running yet? so what color is it? i stole it. anyway, 'least i try shit, still got some dreams left. you're a goddamn waitress, what do you got? so, who're these clients? you're beautiful. it must make you scared to get close to someone again. so, to a successful transaction. is that stupid, wesley? so here's how this is gonna work. would you take your socks off, please? you're wonderful, chloe, you are. but i just know there's something special out there for me. you can continue to practice at l.a. county, but i'm afraid i have to revoke your privileges here at loma vista until this is resolved. get rid of that thing, will you? happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday, dear-- oh, and by the way, get the hell outta here! del must've sold a lemon to the wrong indian, and got paid back the old fashioned way. them kickapoos get pretty mean when they drink. never abandon you instincts. any idea who chloe or lonnie are? they did horrible things to men there. now, the one thing i don't get is that we checked all the buicks on that lot. four '97 lesabres and nothing in 'em. so, what happened to the fifth car? he said he gave his wife some car as a gift, remember? how can you eat at a time like this? i get nauseous just watching you. ma'am, she has a substantial death benefit coming to her from the tragic loss of her husband. does she have any relatives in the area? well, her grandparents are down in oklahoma, but that's it. did chloe testify? just one more thing. did she ever talk about getting rich? so, is this what you boys'd call 'pumping me for information?' del's life insurance policy-- are you with me? when i left here i went straight to italy. everybody told me not to go. but i wanted to go to rome ever since i saw audrey hepburn in "roman holiday," and goddamnit, i went. yep. i'm trading in a car dealer for a heart specialist, so that's pretty good. now, if betty was running from someone, where do you think she'd go? do you know dr. david ravell? what time're they coming? the fuck where i do not know, but i know it's gonna be long. i understand. they don't owe us shit, wesley! when you finish the job, you get paid!! we haven't finished the goddamn job!! and where the fuck am i? i'm in purgatory! we're still on for tonight, right? everybody says if you're going to get married, this is the spot to meet someone. luckily, i'm currently off men, so i've got the luxury of not giving a shit. we're not gonna let him hide from you any more, okay? i'm making this my personal mission. one of us should. she's probably all cool and fresh, and comfortable in that nice air-conditioned car right now. why is she doing this to me? why?. sounds like she's with the buyer del lined up. you have a thing for an actor on a stupid white soap opera, and we searched all over town for his character! not the actor - whose name is george, by the way. his character! i should have never come back here after college. listen, ballard told me that the guy who brought the missing car down from detroit was murdered, but do you see him doing anything about it? if ballard wasn't such a stubborn ass, i wouldn't have to be breaking in here. no, you're right, let's have some fun. so, what did happened next, "betty"? but. i'd be honored if you'd come. so where did you study again? betty, you are one-of-a-kind. now, i'm not saying i agree with you or nothing, but. what else do you know? david ravell's getting boring, lyla. then let me bring betty to the set and see what happens. first off, betty would never fall for a soap star. it's beneath her. you can't rule something out on a whim. or because she's cute. i've been following your whims all across the u.s. of a. and now i'm tired! me! she really that good-looking in person? nobody like that? you're sure? yeah, detroit by way of kansas. alright, let me know if you hear anything, okay? so where are we going? was this before leslie? before us?. i just hope it's not too late for me. god! listen to me, "me, me, me." it's so easy to get caught up in the whole ego cycle of this business and make it all about yourself. stop, right? that's it, no more about me tonight, i promise. let's talk about you. what do you think about me? i'm kidding. seriously, betty, i'm doing all the talking here. i found out where they shoot it, and where the dressing rooms are. goddamn, it's hot! he dumped you, didn't he? i knew it when i met him!! he's a loser, like the rest of them. mother-fucker! rosa, i didn't kill del. they did. you probably feel i'm flattering myself to see us together. i've chased you across the country, betty, and i come to find out we're a lot more alike than you'd think. listen, i could shoot my way out, maybe take one of them with me. if you'd gimme my gun back. i have to ask you, betty. are you crazy? you don't need that doctor. you don't need that actor. you don't need any man. it's not the forties, honey. you don't need anybody. you've got yourself. and that's more than most people can say. my best friend once said if you were any handsomer it would be a crime. so, now that we've sort of settled the 'asshole' thing, is there any chance you'll come back to the show? at all?