somebody help us! please, somebody! please! danny, it's gonna be all right! you're hurting him!! are you crazy?!! stop it!!! is he gonna live? hey, it's supernurse! betty, right? we can't forget what you did yesterday . how can my family ever repay you? she doesn't care if it was just your job. danny would be dead now but for you. so why'd you come to l.a.? you're making me look bad. my mother says i wouldn't move across the street for love. 'david.' that's your guy. so, you staying with him? man, that is love. what? ahh, mom says you should stay with me. okay, yeah, why not? you can go get your stuff right now. i'll walk you down. listen, when someone does the kind of thing you did, you gotta do something in return. so, you stay with me until you find your david and live happily ever after. okay? you okay? this neighborhood, you get used to it. no, this one was worse. i had to have the place sprayed when he left. twice. he was two guys before the last one--not counting a little office thing in there, which i'm trusting you with, 'cause if it gets out, i'm on the street. yeah, well, at least fish don't use your razor or pee on the seat. oh, i dunno. but just once i wish i'd run into a guy who noticed the koi before my tits. tustin? take the hollywood freeway to the five. just look for the really crowded road and follow that. huh? sure, look in my closet, take any dress you want! you made it! hey, that looks great on you. 's classy. so, how'd it go today? you find him? what are you talking about? this bar is packed with professional people! he has a wife?! god, that's awful! her 'head'?! you're making this up. jesus, i thought my love life was crazy. fuck the details, they're always to blame. look, too many of these guys duck out on us, especially after they become doctors or lawyers. i see it at my company all day long! so i'm just gonna make sure you get your, you know, fairy tale ending or whatever. hey, how 'bout a card for me? what is that? "please call if you have any information on david ravell." this is my phone number! how many of these have you given out? jesus! they're all gonna be calling me! i was talking about what you could wear! probably the same thing my mom would do if i got engaged. have a heart attack. betty. it's o.k. except i'm worn out. we spent all weekend looking for her she's gonna have to 'cause i'm out of ideas. david ravell. i'm not sure now. she said he used to be over at loma vista. i never heard of it. guess who i saw today. doctor david ravell. on television!! cut the shit, will you! either you're making a fool out of me because you get off on it, or you got serious problems. which one is it?! i'm talking about david ravell!! i spent my weekend looking for someone who does - not - exist. i should have been here at the hospital with my brother, but i was with you. it's not about gas money!! i helped you because i'm an idiot! ask my mother, i love it when people take advantage of me! i trusted you!! i thought he was real! you need help, betty! even if this is your idea of a joke, you need serious help!! necesitas un mdico! pront simo! oh, yeah. man, i'd love to find that actor just to see the look on her face, watch her bubble burst in mid-air. this is crazy. i come home, you go to your room. you go in the kitchen, i go to my room. it's stupid. oh, it's a charity dinner. the money goes to a good cause, but i don't have anybody to go with. you hungry at all? sorry. you never know who you'll see. were you with him this whole time? you still in love? does he know you think he's real? uh-huh. so, what'd you talk about? no, i'm not sure i could begin to imagine. so, where'd you go? was it a huge place? with a view of the whole world? i have, lots of times. my mother used to clean them. i used to piss in their pools. but, you're in love with someone who doesn't exist. you come here, you meet this guy, who should laugh in your face, and instead you leave with him! no, please. go ahead, it's your funeral. well, what if this guy's just playing with you? what if he's lying about who he is? does he ever talk about medicine? his patients, the hospital? not as much as i've heard about you. she's a very nice girl and you better not hurt her. sure did! and a funny thing, betty, he introduced himself to me as george! bet-ty!? did the pizza guy show up yet? where are you going? what? no, i'm not gonna let you just run out of here. you need to talk about what's going on. your husband?! jesus!. what are you saying? yeah, but your running away isn't going to help you with all this. okay, okay, look, ummm. let's just talk a little first and you'll feel better, i promise. oh. did betty call you? she's got problems, but she's no killer. i hope you guys can straighten this out. bet-ty! please, go easy on her. she's had a really rough day. that's our pizza. i have a tape of today's show. yes! how'd you know that? so why can't we just sneak outside? huh?