hey, darling. oww! sorry, got my own little gulf war going on here. sure did. i'll tell you, if that man was any better looking it'd be a crime 'a some sort. oh, betty-- honey, i'm really sorry, i was gonna call you about tonight. larry's got a lodge meeting. there's no way i can get a sitter this fast. i can't ask her again-- nathan, stop it! jesse, don't take that, hit back!-- i feel terrible, hon. you sure? maybe next week we could. aahhh. the lesabre! what? oh, i wish we could just get in it and drive, and drive, and drive! sorry, hon. happy birthday. let me know if you need anything, okay? oh, i dunno. enough, i s'pose. all you been through. i ever tell you what a good friend you are? well, you are. yeah, hon. real bad. you just get some sleep, everything's gonna be fine. i wish i could help you, but i can't. no. no. but i'm taping her show every day so she can watch it when she comes back. "a reason to love." i don't think she will. she's a slut, but i just don't think she's that mean. jasmine'll bring her around. halfway where? you've gotta come home. we've been worried sick about you. are you alright? betty, honey, listen to me. a man came by from mutual life insurance. he says you've got money comin' to you from del's policy. do what? betty! listen to me! del is . is this neighborly life insurance? what's with the tupperware, elden, did meredith run outta baggies? betty is a big, big fan of the soap opera, "a reason to love." look. betty's in love with dr. david ravell, from the show. what if she's out in los angeles looking for him? the actor, i mean. come on, elden, she's not on the run. couldn't you at least call the los angeles police department? mr. campbell? is this neighborly life insurance? it's sue ann rogers, betty sizemore's friend? i heard from her. that's my best friend!