beer, please. hey. you got a fine one right here! what'd you get her? isn't that the point? seems like a nice place. really? relax, we brought the cash. no, that's ignorant. they just don't know any better. he's waiting. "injuns?" you heard the man. that's right. that is so right. now, that's really stupid. hell of a way to die. a mark, huh? it sure is!! you told me how to do it! he told us it's in the buick. well, why'd you shoot him? i still don't understand how you knew del was telling the truth. i didn't. you gave me a look! that one look you got! i thought you were done, so i took him out. well, why'd you have to tell that indian story? you just gonna leave these cars sitting here like this? i wanted to make a statement. that's a good motto. so you got asian women? i like 'em small. when you're inside a little asian chick, it's like your dick is the axle that holds her body together. we can live with that. actually, i scalped him, and then you killed him. should i kill him now? why'd you spit on me? well, no one ever spit in my face before. especially some cracker fuck. so how do we know that car's still in fair oaks? i can eat because i know we didn't kidnap that woman. i can eat because they aren't looking for us. and i can eat 'cause i'm fucking hungry. . relax. she's gonna end up on a milk carton and that's about it. i know i am. let's just do what we gotta do here, and get the fuck gone. mrs. rogers? i'm dwight campbell, with neighborly life insurance. i'm looking for betty sizemore. aren't they precious? i see. and are you in touch with mrs. sizemore? her show? i see. jasmine. do you have yesterday's show on tape, by any chance? and what kind of car does she drive? did you say lesabre? but she could have taken one, right? yeah, i can see that. you think so? joyce says she's timid. among others. yeah, well, if the wife's trying to sell it she'll fuck up. she's an amateur, just like del was. a 'finn?' what is a finn? so what the fuck's a finn? like. us? would you say she was ambitious? well, then, did you ever get any indication that she wanted to leave her husband? why do you think you have to be missing a piece of your soul to kill somebody? what are you talking about? killing's totally natural. it's dying that isn't natural. thas' it, thas' it. conquer that bitch. and then we're gonna do her right here. right? let's get out of here. we got another long drive ahead of us. okay, thank you, goodbye. keep in touch. will you ease off on the 'poise' shit, you're spooking me here. what'd they say? can we go back to detroit? half. they paid us half. they still owe us half. i know that. worse. you're in texas. what the hell's the matter with you? i'm sick of looking at her mother-fucking face. what? what does she represent?! what could some cornbread white bitch from kansas who's dragging our sorry asses up and down the louisiana purchase possibly mean to you?!! i'd just love to know. i don't know, but when we find her she's gonna die for it. can you describe her to me?. okay. yeah, that sounds like her. thanks. you know, blonde, thin, whatever. how do i get this fucking thing down? we don't have time to look at a hole in the ground. we can make vegas in four hours. this one's got to be her. no. no. be dark before we get there. you wanna see the grand canyon at night? i said, 'no.' n-o. do you hear yourself right now? like a fucking madman. yes, i am and we're not going. act professional. yeah? huh? oh, umm, yes, this is dwight campbell. you have a good time? you make a little wish? i'm not telling. i'm not telling 'til you straighten up. you been acting like fucking jerry lewis on me and this shit's gotta stop or you can forget about your betty. i mean it. maybe she had to use the bathroom. she pees, doesn't she?!. we're federal marshals, ma'am. ma'am, if you've seen this woman-- that's a really nice name. well. i think i saw her soul. i dunno, that lady sounded pretty sure. wait, wait, wait a minute. that doesn't make sense. you gimme this bullshit psychic friends theory, you believe that dumbshit trucker, you believe this woman. no, you believed her, we drove all the way to l.a. so that means you trusted her that much. so why's the rest of her story suddenly so kooky? huh? i call it 'nutty' as my shit after i eat almond roca. i need to get my goddamn head examined. "it's beneath her" she's a mother fucking housewife. nothing's beneath her! fine. just fine. i'll go check some shit on my own then. and don't call me 'boy' what kinda car's jasmine drive? yeah? the sport utility? damn, that's sweet. oh fuck. so i'm standing there, minding my own business on hollywood blvd., checking out gladys knight's star-thing there, i look up at this little souvenir shop dude, chinese dude, reading a paper. and who do i see? that's lonnie. he's the show's main prick. and that is definitely betty. now, that ain't no coincidence. a doctor on the show. why? fuck the profile! that's the same guy!! crazy! no shit, shaft!! and you ain't far behind. i do not know how the fuck you lasted an hour in this job! dragging our asses around with the answer to our prayers in your motherfucking jacket. a picture of that cunt right next to the. man, you have got to get some therapy. yeah, i got it. come on, you're stretching out my vest. actually, there is one more thing. it's just for an autograph. it's not for me. you need to learn some manners, friend. reach out to your goddamn fan base a little more. whoa! what the fuck're you doing here? but you were right first. you gotta follow your instincts. leave. take this shit back to detroit and get the rest of our money. but that's not what we're gonna do, is it? it's to follow my instincts. and my instincts say get the fuck out of dodge. oh, that's fucking democratic. what's wrong with you? come here. act professional, remember? how did you find betty? what do you want?! shut up! shut the fuck up, both of you, before i kill you! did chloe crack? goddamn. how 'bout jasmine? you lie, motherfucker. what?! you scream, you die. goddamn!