i flatter myself that such is the case; in my line of work it's plumb necessary. the one thing you don't want is air in the conversation. sales, mr. mcgill, sales! and what do i sell? the truth! ever' blessed word of it, from genesee on down to revelations! that's right, the word of god, which let me add there is damn good money in during these days of woe and want! folks're lookin' for answers and big dan teague sells the only book that's got 'em! what do you do - you and your tongue-tied friend? i like your style, young man, so i'm gonna propose you a proposition. you cover my check so i don't have to run back up to my room, have your waitress wrap your dinner picnic- style, and we'll retire to more private environs where i will explain to you how vast amounts of money can be made in the service of god amighty. don't forget your shoebox, friend. thankee boys for throwin' in that fricasee. i'm a man a large appetite and even with lunch under my belt i was feeling a mite peckish. and thank you as well for that conversational hiatus; i generally refrain from speech while engaged in gustation. there are those who attempt both at the same time but i find it course and vulgar. now where were we? you don't say much friend, but when you do it's to the point and i salute you for it. yes, bible sales. the trade is not a complicated one; there're but two things to learn. one bein' where to find your wholesaler - word of god in bulk as it were. two bein' how to reckanize your customer - who're you dealin' with? - an exercise in psychology so to speak. and it is that which i propose to give you a lesson in right now. no doubt, brother - i figured as much back there in the restaurant. that's why i invited you out here for this advanced tutorial. it's all about money, boys! atsy answer! dough re mi! do unto others before they do unto you! i'll just take your show cards. and whatever you got in the hole. what the. it's nothin' but a damn toad! don't you boys know these things give ya warts? end of lesson. so long, boys! hee-hee! see ya in the funny papers!