sorry, everett. okay - i'm with you fellas. you work for the railroad, grandpa? how'd he know about the treasure? well, we ain't from no bank, young feller. well we ain't got no papers. there's a good boy. is your daddy about? 'n i'm delmar o'donnell. this stew's awful good. what inna sam hill? what do we do now, everett? yeah, let's negotiate 'em, everett. you should be in bed, little fella. gopher, everett? gopher, everett? you got light fingers, everett. gopher? appears to be. some kinda. con- gur-gation. care for some gopher? you can have the whole thing - me'n pete already had one. we ran acrost a gopher village. well that's it boys, i been redeemed! the preacher warshed away all my sins and transgressions. it's the straight-and-narrow from here on out and heaven everlasting's my reward! preacher said my sins are warshed away, including that piggly wiggly i knocked over in yazoo! well i was lyin' - and i'm proud to say that that sin's been warshed away too! neither god nor man's got nothin' on me now! come on in, boys, the water's fine! but there were witnesses, saw us redeemed! you should a joined us, everett. it couldn't a hurt none. pull over, everett - let's give that colored boy a lift. sure, hop in. how ya doin', tommy. i haven't seen a house in miles. what're you doin' out in the middle of nowhere? this ain't no laughin' matter, everett. oh, son! for that you traded your everlastin' soul?! that's right! we ain't really negroes! hey mister! i don't mean to be tellin' tales out a school, but there's a man in there hands out ten dollars to anyone sings into his can! why don't we bed down out here tonight? five. hunnert. thousand. each. izzat right? visit those foreclosin' sonofaguns down at the indianola savings and loan and slap that cash down on the barrelhead and buy back the family farm. hell, you ain't no kind of man if you ain't got land. damn! we gotta skedaddle! don't be a fool, everett, we gotta r- u-n-o-f-f-t, but pronto! yeah, look at me. well now, that's where we cain't help ya. i don't believe it's in mississippi. friend, some of your folding money has come unstowed. well, funny you should ask-i was bad, till yesterday, but me'n pete here been saved. my name's delmar, and that there's everett. say, what line of work are you in, george? aww, george, not the livestock. he's a live wire though, ain't he? they didn't mean anything by it, george. damn but that was some fun though, won it george?! almost makes me wish i hadn't been saved! jackin' up banks - i can see how a fella could derive a lot a pleasure and satisfaction out of it! whoa doggies! what the - where you goin', george? now wuddya suppose is eatin' george? damn! i liked george. pleased to meet you, ma'am. holy saint christopher! oh sweet lord, everett, looka this! sweet jesus, everett! they left his heart! caintcha see it everett! them sigh- reens did this to pete! they loved him up an' turned him into a horney- toad! pete! come back! don't worry, pete! it's me, delmar! oh everett! what're we gonna do?! course it's pete! look at 'im! we gotta find some kinda wizard can change 'im back! i just don't think it's right, keepin' him under wraps like we's ashamed of him. the two of us was fixing to fornicate! uh, we uh- makin' money in the lord's service. oh, it weren't nothin', i- no. you don't understand. oh lord. pete. pete. pete. pete. it just don't seem right, diggin' up that treasure without him. not that i'm aware. you know them gals, everett? okay, everett. well, uh, i - i gotta get the family farm back before i can start thinkin' about that. everett, i never figured you for a paterfamilias. pete? pete? we thought you was a toad! we thought. you was. a toad! cain't stand much longer. we didn't abandon you, pete, we just thought you was a toad. well that was our mistake then. and then we was beat up by a bible salesman and banished from woolworth's. i don't know if it's the one branch or all of 'em. huh?! so - where's all the money from your armored-car job? huh. i guess they'll tack on fifty years for me too. i'll only be eighty-two. oh my god! 'n turned into a frog - almost loved up though. everett, my beard itches. what sat mean exactly, everett? oh, okay. is the marriage off then, miz wharvey? we'll go fetch it with ya, everett. george! looks like george is right back on top again. where's the happy little tire swing? it went out over the radio! i'm sorry we got you into this, tommy. a miracle! it was a miracle! that ain't it!