i am. hur you? well that all depends. you boys do negro songs? well, i don't record negro songs. i'm lookin' for some ol'-timey material. why, people just can't get enough of it since we started broadcastin' the 'pappy o'daniel flour hour', so thanks for stoppin' by, but- boys, that was some mighty fine pickin' and singin'. you just sign these papers and i'll give you ten dollars apiece. we ain't got the time-and nary inclination-to gentle you boys no further! it's either the penal farm or the fires of damnation-makes no nevermind to me! hang on! lemme slap up a wire. folks, here's my cousin ezzard's niece eudora from out greenwood doin' a little number with her cousin tom- tom which i predict you're just gonna enjoy thoroughly. now what can i do you for, mister french? soggy bottom boys - i don't precisely recollect, uh - oh i remember 'em, colored fellas i believe, swell bunch a boys, sung into yon can and skedaddled. it was a powerful air. oh mercy, yes. you gotta beat that competition.