grab the tiller, will ya buddy? hand up that thompson, jack. come and get me, coppers! you cows. i hate cows worse than coppers! ha-ha! come on you miserable salaried sonsabitches! come and get me! come on boys! we're goin' for the record-three banks in two hours! okay folks! hold the applause and thanky dear! all the money in the bag, and you can tell your grandkids you were done by the best! i'm george nelson and i'm feelin' ten feet tall! it's a kick and a quarter, ain't it boys? sure boys, here's m'plan! they ain't never seen ordnance like this! well, thank you, folks, and remember: jesus saves, but george nelson withdraws! ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- ha! go fetch the auto-voiture, pete! who said that?! george nelson! not babyface! you remember and you tell your friends! i'm george nelson, born to raise hell! aww, i'm all right- this'll put me right back on top! or-voir, itta bena! george nelson thanks you for your support!