i'm not here to make a record, ya dumb cracker, they broadcast me out on the radio. i'll press your flesh, you dimwitted sonofabitch - you don't tell your pappy how to cawt the elect 'rate! we ain't one-at-a-timin' here, we mass communicatin'! shake a leg, junior! thank god your mama died givin' birth-if she'd a seen ya she'd a died of shame. languishing! goddamn campaign is languishing! we need a shot inna arm! hear me, boys? inna goddamn arm! election held tomorra, that sonofabitch stokes would win it in a walk! yeah? i'll reform you, you soft-headed sonofabitch! how we gonna run reform when we're the damn incumbent! zat the best idea any you boys can come up with? reeform?! weepin' jesus on the cross! eckard, you may as well start draftin' my concession speech right now. i'm just makin' a point, you stupid sonofabitch! i signed that bill! i signed a dozen a those aggi-culture bills! everyone knows i'm a friend a the fahmuh! what do i gotta do, start diddlin' livestock?! we ain't got a constichency! stokes got a constichency! y'ignorant slope-shouldered sack a guts! why we'd look like a buncha satchel-ass johnnie-come-latelies braggin' on our own midget! don't matter how stumpy! and that's the goddamn problem right there - people think this stokes got fresh ideas, he's oh coorant and we the past. i'm sayin' we har this man away. what's his name again? hmm. his folks from out tuscarora? you don't know where his goddamn folks from; you speakin' outcha asshole. moral fibre?! you pasty-faced sonofabitch, i invented moral fibre! pappy o'daniel was displayin' rectitude and high-mindedness when that pencil-neck you work for was still messin' his drawers! yeah, you'll be laughin' out the other side your face come november. holy-moly. these boys're a hit! well i guess folks don't mind they's integrated. goddamn! oppitunity knocks! that's fine, that's fine!. ladies'n gentlemens here and listenin' at home, the great state of mississippi thanks the soggy bottom boys for that won-a-ful performance! now it looks like the only man in our great state who ain't a music luvva, is my esteemed opponent in the upcomin', homer stokes - yeah, well, they ain't no accountin' f'taste. it sounded t'me like he harbored some kind a hateful grudge against the soggy bottom boys on account a their rough'n rowdy past. sounds like homer stokes is the kinda fella gonna cast the first stone! well i'm with you folks. i'm a f'give and f'get christian. and i say, well, if their rambunctiousness and misdemeanorin' is behind 'em - it is, ain't it, boys? why then i say, by the par vested in me, these boys is hereby pardoned! and furthermore, in the second pappy o'daniel administration, why, these boys - is gonna be my brain trust! so now, without further ado, and by way of endorsin' my candidacy, the soggy bottom boys is gonna lead us all in a chorus of 'you are my sunshine' - ain't ya, boys? son, you gonna go far.