wait a minute! who elected you leader a this outfit? suits me! i'm votin' for yours truly! got a name, do ya? he said we wouldn't get it! he said we wouldn't get the treasure we seek! you wash's boy? how ya been, wash? been what, twelve, thirteen year'n? and uncle ratliff? where's cora, cousin wash? the hell you say! wash is kin! i'm gonna kill you, judas iscariot hogwallop! you mis'able hoss-eatin' sonofabitch! you- damn his eyes! pa always said never trust a hogwallop-come'n get us, coppers! go back home'n mind yer pa! what's the damn problem? huh?! they dam that river on the 21st. today's the 17th! we got but four days to get to that treasure! after that, it'll be at the bottom of a lake! we ain't gonna make it walkin'. how's this a plan? how're we gonna get a car? to washington bartholomew hogwallop. from his loving cora. ay-more fie- dellis. you mis'able little sneak thief. you stole from my kin! you didn't know that at the time! that don't make no sense! well, i'll be a sonofabitch. delmar's been saved! the preacher said it absolved us. hell, at least it woulda washed away the stink of that pomade. i always wondered-what's the devil look like? and he told you to go to tishamingo? that's right! all except fer our a-cump-uh-nust! yeah, it stinks in that ol' barn. a million dollars. go out west somewhere, open a fine restaurant. i'm gonna be the maider dee. greet all the swells, go to work ever' day in a bowtie and tuxedo, an' all the staff'll all say yassir and nawsir and in a jiffy pete. an' all my meals for free. what about you, everett? what'd you have in mind when you stoled it in the first place? well that hardly sounds like you. already lit out, scared out of his wits. let's go! the hell it ain't square one! ain't no one gonna pick up three filthy unshaved hitchhikers, and one of 'em a know-it-all that can't keep his trap shut! uh. itta bena. isn't it, uh. nah, that ain't right. i'm thinkin' of. shutup, delmar. pull over! howdy do, ladies. name of pete! maybe i could help you with the, uh- ahem. i, uh. i don't believe i've, uh, heard that song before. don't know their names. i seen 'em first! damn! goddamnit! godfer gimme! they're fixin' a ambush! do not seek the treasure! do not seek the treasure! do not. seek. the treasure! i could not gaze upon that far shore. it was a moment a weakness! they lured me out for a bathe, then they dunked me'n trussed me up like a hog and turned me in for the bounty. no, they never did turn me into a toad. well i - i ain't had it easy either, boys. uh, frankly, i - well i spilled my guts about the treasure. awful sorry i betrayed you fellas; must be my hogwallop blood. it's awful white of ya to take it like that, everett. i feel wretched, spoilin' yer play for a million dollars'n point two. it's been eatin' at my guts. you boys're true friends! you're m'boon companions! i cain't help it, but that's a wonderful thing to say! but. but. but. no treasure. i had two weeks left on my sentence. with my added time for the escape, i don't get out now 'til 1987. i'll be eighty-four years old. eighty-four years old. you ruined my life! eighty-four years old! i'll be gummin' pab-you-lum! the noose. sweet jesus! we gotta save 'im! tommy, you don't wanna get hanged! wait a minute - who elected you leader a this outfit? since we been followin' your lead we got nothin' but trouble! i gotten this close to bein' strung up, n'consumed in a fire, 'n whipped no end, 'n sunstroked, 'n soggied - this is crazy. no one's ever gonna believe we're a real band. god have mercy! oh my god! everett! good lord, what do we do? we prayed to god and he pitied us! that ain't the tune you were singin' back there at the gallows!