and i say to you that the great state a mississippi cannot afford four more years a pappy o'daniel - four more years a cronyism, nepotism, rascalism and service to the innarests! the choice, she's a clear 'un: pappy o'daniel, slave a the innarests; homer stokes, servant a the little man! ain't that right, little fella? when the litle man says jump, homer stokes says how high? and, ladies'n jettymens, the little man has admonished me to grasp the broom a - ree-form and sweep this state clean! it's gonna be back to the flour mill, pappy! the innarests can take care a theyselves! come tuesday, we gonna sweep the rascals out! clean gummint - yours for the askin'! an' now - the little wharvey gals! whatcha got for us, darlin's? that's fine. and now let's fetch back the wharvey gals to sing 'i'll fly away'. who made them the color guard? damn! can't let that flag touch the ground! goddamn disgrace. made a travesty of the entire evenin'. what i wouldn't give to get my hands on those agitators. whoever heard a such behavior. even among culluds. or mulattos, maybe - i suspect some miscegenation in their heritage. how else you goin' explain it - usin' the confed'it flag as a missile. what're you doin' here, pappy? i guess someone let on there was free liquor, heh-heh. wait a minute. you's miscegenated! all you boys! miscegenated! get me a mike-a-phone! these boys is not white! these boys is not white! hell, they ain't even ol'-timey! i happen to know, ladies'n gentlemen, this band a miscreants here, this very evening, they interfered with a lynch mob inna performance of its duties! it's true! i b'long to a certain society, i don't believe i gotta mention its name, heh-heh. ahem. and these boys here trampled all over our venerated observances an' rich'ls! now this-here music is over! i aim to - i aim to hand these boys over to - listen to me, folks! listen to me! these boys desecrated a fiery cross! and they convicts! fugitives, folks, escaped off the farm! folks, these boys gotta be remanded the 'thorities! criminals! and i happen to have it from the highest authority that that neegra sold his soul to the devil! wait a minute! wait a minute! is you is or is you ain't my constichency? is you is or is you ain't -